V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
Chapter 10: Web Interface Readings and Parameter Settings
Alarm Settings
The Acuvim II meters supports over/under alarms for different metering parameters..From the
WEB2 interface users can configure these alarms on the Alarm page. This page can be found by
clicking on 'Settings' and selecting the 'Alarm' tab.
The meter supports up to 16 Alarm channels that users can monitor when the configured pa
rameter goes over or under the alarm threshold. If users have extended I/O modules attached
to the meter, digital outputs (DO) and relay outputs (RO) can be triggered upon alarm condition
and used to activate external devices such as a buzzer, light, etc.
Alarm Enable:
The alarm function can be enabled or disabled
Backlight Flash Trigger:
If enabled, when an alarm is triggered the backlight of the Acuvim II
meter display will flash during the alarm event.
Steps to setup alarm channels:
To configure an alarm channel, enable the preferred alarm channel(s).
• Select the required parameter for the alarm channel under the 'Parameter' column.
• Choose the required setpoint and then select the condition for the alarm, i.e greater than (>),
less than (<), or equal to (=).
• Users have the ability to set a delay for the alarm trigger, the range is from 0-30000 ms.
• Users can use the 'AND' function to trigger an alarm event when two conditions have been