V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
Data Log
The AXM-WEB2 supports logging data onto its on board memory.
The module supports three loggers for different parameters and requirements.
The data can be downloaded as a .csv file from the datalog page in the logs section or by using
a HTTP/FTP client.
Logger Enable: To use the data log function to log the data onto the module, select 'Enable' to
view and configure the settings that are applicable.
Post Channel: Select the channel to push the datalog to. Only an enabled post channel can be
selected here. A post channel can be enabled in the 'Post Channel' tab on the settings page.
Log Param Type: Users can select the type of parameters they wish to log into logger.
Users can use the '>' button to add selected parameters into the data log, and use the '<' but-
ton to remove selected parameters from the data log. Users can also use the 'All' or 'Clear'
buttons to add all or clear all parameters to and from the data log. The supported parameter
types include real-time readings, energy readings, demand readings, power quality readings
and I/O readings.