110 • Chapter 6: Maintenance
GX-6000 Operator’s Manual
Replacing the Probe’s Particle Filter and
Hydrophobic Filter Disk
Inspect the probe’s internal components if you notice that the GX-6000’s pump sounds
bogged down or if an unexplained low flow alarm occurs. Replace the particle filter and
hydrophobic filter disk if they appear dirty or saturated with liquid. Replace the gasket in
the probe if it appears damaged.
1 . Hold the sample hose and probe assembly so that the probe tip is pointing up.
2 . Grasp each end of the clear probe body firmly and unscrew the two halves from each
other. The top half includes the probe tube and the bottom half includes the sample
Figure 22: Replacing the Particle Filter and Hydrophobic Filter Disk
3 . Set the top half aside. Make sure the bottom half remains oriented with the sample
hose facing down.
4 . The particle filter should be sitting on top of the hydrophobic filter disk. If it is not,
remove it from the top half of the probe.
Bottom Half
Hydrophobic Filter Disk
Sample Hose
Top Half
Particle Filter, N ot Used
for Chlorine D etection