LIFEPAK 15 Monitor/Defibrillator
Service Manual
This section describes error code usage, interpretation, and corrective action. It includes a separate troubleshooting chart keyed to the
Performance Inspection Procedures (PIP) section and individual troubleshooting tests that require operator interpretation. Choose from the
following topics:
Using the Service/Status Features (p. 106)
Processing Service Log Codes (p. 115)
Service Log Code Categories (p. 119)
Utility Service Codes (p. 121)
User Interface Service Codes (p. 122)
Data Management Service Codes (p. 124)
System Monitor Service Codes (p. 125)
Processor Control Service Codes (p. 126)
Patient Parameter Service Codes (p. 129)
Therapy Service Codes (p. 130)
Printer Service Codes (p. 137)
Power Management Service Codes (p. 138)
Serial Communication Service Codes (p. 139)
Corrective Action Codes (p. 140)