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G900X/G950 Installation and Maintenance Manual – Software, Configuration, and Calibration
Revision D
190-00719-00 Procedure C: Engine Run-Up
Calibration Procedure C must be performed in order to guarantee that the AHRS mounting is sufficiently
rigid and insensitive to vibration.
Figure 15-30. Engine Run-Up
Initiate the AHRS engine run-up vibration test procedure by performing the following steps:
Select the ENGINE RUN-UP TEST procedure and press the ENT key.
Follow the checklist items displayed on the PFD, and press the ENT key as each one is
completed or confirmed. When the CALIBRATE field is blinking, press the ENT key to
begin the procedure.
The PFD display instructs the operator to gradually increase power from idle to full throttle and
back to idle over a period of 1-2 minutes.
When the operator has completed the engine run-up and the engine is back to an idle setting,
press the ENT key to indicate that the process is complete. When this is done, the TEST
COMPLETE field stops blinking.
The PFD informs the operator if the installation has passed or failed the vibration test. If the test
fails, the specific measurements causing the failure are identified and associated numeric values
are displayed on the PFD.