10/05/16 PAGE 162
TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
WT-101 Default Circuit ID Syntax
If you do not configure a Circuit ID string for a specific VLAN on a port or for a specific port, and
no set the flexible Circuit ID syntax in the Switch, the Switch automatically generates a Circuit ID
string according to the default Circuit ID syntax which is defined in the DSL Forum Working Text
(WT)-101. The default access node identifier is the host name of the PPPoE intermediate agent and
the eth indicates “Ethernet”, and the slot id is 0.
SubOpt Length Value
(1 byte)
(1 byte)
Access node
(1 byte)
(3 bytes)
(1 byte)
Slot ID
(1 byte)
Port ID
(2 bytes)
(1 byte)
(4 bytes)
(1 byte)
Port State
Every port is either a trusted port or an untrusted port for the PPPoE intermediate agent. This
setting is independent of the trusted/untrusted setting for DHCP snooping. You can also specify
the agent sub-options (circuit ID and remote ID) that the Switch adds to PADI and PADR packets
from PPPoE clients.
Trusted ports are connected to PPPoE servers.
» If a PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer), PADS (PPPoE Active Discovery Session-confirmation),
or PADT (PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate) packet is sent from a PPPoE server and received
on a trusted port, the Switch forwards it to all other ports.
If a PADI or PADR packet is sent from a PPPoE client but received on a trusted port, the Switch
forwards it to other trusted port(s).
Note: The Switch will drop all PPPoE discovery packets if you enable the PPPoEintermediate
agent and there are no trusted ports.
» The trusted ports can keep/replace/strip vendor-tag of PADO and PADS packet.
» Keep: means that the PPPoE agent will keep original vendor-tag in the PADO/PADS packet.
» Replace: means that the PPPoE agent will replace the vendor-tag in the PADO/PADS packet
with its own vendor-tag.
» Strip: means that the PPPoE agent will strip the vendor-tag in the PADO/PADS packet(Default).
Untrusted ports are connected to subscribers.
» If a PADI, PADR, or PADT packet is sent from a PPPoE client and received on an untrusted port,
the Switch adds a vendor-specific tag to the packet and then forwards it to the trusted port(s).
» The Switch discards PADO and PADS packets which are sent from a PPPoE server but received
on an untrusted port.