R em ove th e fr o n t h o u sin g an d re tu rn spring.
18. R em o v e th ree n u ts an d w ashers fro m S p an n er
W rench an d se p a ra te w re n c h an d rear h o u sin g .
19. R em ove H olding Fixture J-22805 from front
20. Work edges o f front diaphragm from under lances
o f rear housing and rem ove com plete vacuum assem bly
from rear housing, using care not to dam age rear housing
seal. Bosses on center plate must be aligned with cutouts in
rear housing to rem ove the assembly.
21. W et the rear diaphragm retainer with denatured
alcohol and rem ove the retainer using fingers only.
22. Clam p Tool J-22839 in a vise. Place the diaphragm
and plate assembly on the tool with the tool seated in the
hex opening in the front plate.
F ig . 5 - 4 B ~ H o l d i n g a n d S e p a r a t i n g H o u s in g s U s in g J - 2 2 8 0 5
a n d J - 9 5 0 4 in A r b o r P r e s s
23. Twist the rear diaphragm plate counterclockw ise,
using hand leverage on the outer edge o f the plate. It may
be necessary to use a 1" x 1-3/16" x 8" wood strip as a lever
in cover slot on outside circum ference o f rear plate.
24. A fter the tw o (2) plates have been loosened, rem ove
the plates from T ool J-22839 and place on a bench w ith the
front plate down. U nscrew the rear plate com p letely and
carefully lift it o ff the front plate hub, grasping the air valve
plunger and valve return spring as the parts are separated
(fig. 5-5B).
25. R em ove the square ring seal from the shoulder o f
the front diaphragm plate hub.
26. R em ove the reaction disc from inside the front
diaphragm plate hub. Carefully slide the center plate o ff the
hub o f the front plate.
27. R em ove the diaphragm s from the plates.
28. U se a blunt punch or 1-1/4" socket to drive seal
from rear housing (figs. 5-6B and 5-7B).
A ll parts to be reused should be w ashed in denatured
alcohol or brake fluid. D ry the parts with com pressed air
and place them on clean paper or lint free cloth.
Sm all rust spots inside the shells m ay be rem oved with
crocus cloth or fine em ery cloth. B e sure to clean thoroughly
after using any abrasive.
Inspect all parts and replace any that are dam aged or
show excessive wear.
1. Press the new bearing and seal into the cavity in the
rear housing using T ool J-22677 (fig. 5-8B). The flat rubber
surface o f the seal should be 5 /16" below the flat, inside
surface o f the rear housing.
2. Install reaction disc in hub o f front plate with sm all
tip toward hole. U se rounded rod to seat disc.
3. M ount T ool J-22839 in vise.
4. Install front diaphragm on front plate. Long fold o f
diaphragm must be facing down.
5. Install T ool J-22733 over threads on front plate hub
(fig. 5-9B).
6. A pp ly a light film o f silicone lubricant to front plate
hub and to seal in center plate, then guide center plate, seal
first, on to the front plate hub, being careful not to dam age
center plate seal. R em ove Seal Protector J-22733.
7. A pply a light coat o f silicone lubricant to bearing
surfaces o f air valve plunger, being careful not to apply
lubricant to rubber grom m et inside plunger. Install square
ring seal on shoulder o f front plate hub and install valve
plunger return spring and plunger in base o f front plate hub
(fig. 5-10B).
8. Set rear plate over hub o f front plate, and using
hands only, screw plate on hub, m aking sure that valve and
spring are properly aligned. F m d torque plates to 150 in.
lbs. C heck travel o f valve plunger w ith index finger.
9. A ssem ble rear diaphragm to rear plate and place lip
o f diaphragm in groove in rear plate. Install diaphragm
retainer over rear diaphragm and lip o f center plate. U sin g
fingers, press retainer until it seats on shoulder o f center
plate (fig. 5-1 IB).
J - 9 5 0 4
J - 2 2 8 0 5
" O P E N E N D
Содержание 1977 Monte Carlo
Страница 1: ...CHEVROLET ST 333 80...
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Страница 100: ...4B 32 REAR AXLE DIFFERENTIAL Fig 24F lnstalling Pinion Flange OVERHAUL M AN U AL...
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Страница 142: ...5 6 BRAKES Fig 5 1 1A Gaging Piston Rod OVERHAUL M AN U AL...
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Страница 288: ...400 7A 2 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS OVERHAUL MANUAL Fig 7A 1C 400 Automatic Transmission Side Cross Section Typical...
Страница 402: ...7C 6 CLUTCHES Fig 7 C 1 2 E D e p r e s s in g L ever Fig 7 C 1 4 E S ta k in g N u t...
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