Fig. 7 A -66C --Front A c c u m u la to r A ssem bly - Exploded V iew
4. R em ove front accum ulator piston and spring (Fig.
7A -66C ).
5. On the right side adjacent to the m anual valve,
rem ove the 1-2 valve train as follows:
a. (M odels C G , CJ and C P) R em ove retaining pin, 1-2
m odulator bushing, 1-2 valve spring, 1-2 m odulator valve,
and 1-2 shift valve.
b. (A ll other m odels) R em ove retaining pin, 1-2
m odulator bushing, 1-2 regulator valve, 1-2 regulator
spring, 1-2 detent valve and 1-2 shift valve.
6. From next bore dow n, rem ove retaining pin, 2-3 shift
valve spring, 2-3 m odulator valve bushing, 2-3 m odulator
valve, 3-2 interm ediate spring, and 2-3 shift valve.
M odel CZ does not use a 2-3 shift valve spring.
7. From next bore d ow n rem ove retaining pin, bore
plug, spring, spacer, and 3-2 valve.
8. A t other end o f assem bly, top bore, rem ove retaining
pin and bore plug, detent valve, detent regulator valve,
spring and spacer.
9. From the next bore dow n, rem ove the 1-2
accum ulator valve train as follow s:
a. (M odel CP, CZ, and C K ) R em ove the grooved
retaining pin, bore plug, 1-2 accum ulator valve and spring.
b. (M odels CB, C D , CJ, and CL) R em ove the grooved
retaining pin, bore plug, 1-2 accum ulator valve.
c. (M od els CF, C H , C G , CM , CT and CW ) R em ove
the grooved retaining pin, bore plug, 1-2 accum ulator
secondary spring and 1-2 accum ulator valve.
See Fig. 7A -66C . D o not rem ove th e teflon
oil seal ring from the front accum ulator piston unless
the oil seal ring requires replacem ent. For service, the
oil seal ring is cast iron.
1. Inspect all valves for scoring, cracks and free
m ovem ent in their respective bores.
2. Inspect bushings for cracks, scratches or distortion.
3. Inspect body for cracks, or scored bores.
4. C heck all springs for distortion or collapsed coils.
5. Inspect accum ulator piston and oil seal ring for
Reassem bly
1. Install front accum ulator spring and piston into
valve body.
2. Install Special T ools J-22269 and J-24675 and
com press spring and piston and secure w ith retaining "E"
3. Install the 1-2 accum ulator valve train into the low er
left hand bore as follows:
a. (M od el CZ, C K and C P) Install the 1-2 accum ulator
spring and 1-2 accum ulator valve, stem end out, in to bore.
Place the bore plug into valve bore and install grooved
retaining pin from the cast surface side o f the valve body,
w ith the grooves entering the pin hole last. Tap pin w ith a
ham m er until flush w ith cast surface o f valve body.
b. (M od els CB, C D , CJ, and C L) Install 1-2
accum ulator valve stem end out, into bore. Place bore plug
into valve bore and install grooved retaining pin from cast
surface side o f the valve body, w ith the groove entering the
pin holes last. Tap pin w ith a ham m er until flush w ith cast
surface o f valve body.
c. (M od els CF, C G , C H , C M and CT) Install the 1-2
accum ulator valve, stem end out, and 1-2 accum ulator
secondary spring. Install the bore plug and com press spring
until grooved retaining pin can be inserted from the cast
surface side o f the valve body. Install retaining pin w ith the
grooved end entering the pin h ole last and tap in place until
flush w ith cast surface o f the valve body.
4. In next bore up, install detent spring and spacer.
C om press spring and secure w ith sm all screwdriver (Fig.
7A -68C ).
5. Install detent regulator valve, w ide land first.
6. Install detent valve, narrow land first.
7. Install bore plug (h ole out), depress spring by
pressing in on plug, install retaining pin, and rem ove
8. In low er right hand bore, install 3-2 valve.
9. Install 3-2 spring, spacer, bore plug (hole ou t) and
retaining pin.
10. In next bore up, install the 2-3 shift valve, open end
out, into the bore and install 3-2 interm ediate spring.
11. Install 2-3 m odulator valve into bushing and install
both parts into valve body bore.
12. Install 2-3 valve spring and retaining pin. M odel
CZ does not use a 2-3 shift valve spring.
13. In next bore up, install 1-2 valve, stem end out.
14. Install parts as follows:
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