Alphabetical index
Daytime running light
system.................................... 143
Outside rear view
mirrors ................................ 199
Rear window ......................... 199
Windshield ............................ 199
Dimensions .............................. 324
Dinghy towing.................. 125, 126
Multi-information display ......... 76
Warning message ................ 300
Do-it-yourself maintenance .... 233
Door lock
Back door................................ 91
Side doors............................... 88
Wireless remote control .......... 88
Key.......................................... 88
Back door................................ 91
Door lock................................. 88
Door windows ....................... 106
Open door warning
buzzer............................. 90, 91
Outside rear view mirrors...... 104
Rear door child-protector ........ 90
Side doors............................... 88
Drive information....................... 78
Driving ...................................... 110
Break-in tips.......................... 112
Correct posture ....................... 24
Procedures ........................... 110
Winter drive tips .................... 192
Eco Driving Indicator ................ 81
Electric Power Steering
(EPS) ...................................... 186
Warning light......................... 293
Emergency, in case of
If a warning buzzer
sounds................................ 292
If a warning light turns on ..... 292
If a warning message is
displayed ............................ 300
If the battery is discharged ... 315
If the engine will not start...... 314
If you have a flat tire ............. 303
If you think something is
wrong ................................. 290
If your vehicle becomes
stuck................................... 321
If your vehicle has to be
stopped in an emergency... 283
If your vehicle needs to be
towed.................................. 284
If your vehicle overheats....... 318