3.2.2 Trigger Source
In DL-1060, you can specify the trigger source to be one of these three options: front
panel operations, external hardware trigger source and remote interface operations.
Front Panel Operation
Use SHIFT + TRIGGER buttons for auto triggering and TRIGGER button for single
External Hardware Trigger
You apply a trigger pulse to the EXT TRIG (BNC) terminal on the rear panel. External
hardware triggering is like using single trigger but the trigger source is an external
hardware. When the multimeter receives a pulse from the trigger source, it takes one
reading, or a specified number of readings. To set the external hardware trigger,
connect an external source to Ext TRIG terminal on the rear panel, and press
TRIGGER buttons to enable external hardware trigger.
External Trigger Terminal
You can trigger the DL-1060 by using a low-true pulse to the Ext Trig (external trigger)
terminal located on the rear panel. And to use this terminal via the remote interface,
you have to select the external trigger source by using the
TRIGer:SOURce EXTernal
Figure EXT TRIG (Input) pulse
> 1
VM COMP (Voltmeter Complete) Terminal
The rear panel VM COMP terminal provides a low-true pulse after finishing each
measurement. The VM COMP and external trigger shown below provides a standard
hardware handshake sequence between measurement and switching devices.
Figure VM COMP (Output) pulse