Query units for temperature measurement.
[SENSe:]TCOuple:TYPE {B|C|E|J|K|N|R|S|T}
Select thermocouple sensor type.
Query thermocouple sensor type.
[SENSe:]TCOuple:RJUNction:RSELect {REAL|SIMulated }
Select a reference junction type, real or simulated.
Query the reference junction type, real or simulated.
[SENSe:]TCOuple:RJUNction:SIMulated {<
Set the default temperature of the simulated reference junction.
Query the default temperature of the simulated reference junction.
[SENSe:]TCOuple:RJUNction:REAL:OFFSet {<
Set the offset voltage of the real reference junction.
[SENSe:]TCOuple:RJUNction:REAL:OFFSet? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Query the offset voltage of the real reference junction.
Select the RTD type for temperature measurement with RTD.
Query the RTD type for temperature measurement with RTD.
[SENSe:]TEMPerature:RTD:RZERo {<
Set the R-Zero constant for the user defined RTD type.
[SENSe:]TEMPerature:RTD:RZERo? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Query the R-Zero constant for the user defined RTD type.
[SENSe:]TEMPerature:RTD:ALPHa {<
Set the alpha constant for the user type.
[SENSe:]TEMPerature:RTD:ALPHa? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Query the alpha constant for the user type.