Disable or enable the auto zero mode. The OFF and ONCE have a similar effect. OFF mode
does not issue a new offset measurement until the multimeter goes to the
TRIGGER” state.
Parameter ONCE issues an immediate offset measurement.
Query the auto
zero mode. Returns “1”
(ON) or “0”
(OFF or ONCE).
B.6 The Math Operation Command
Select the math function. Only one function can be enabled at a time. The default function is
Query the present math function. Returns PERC, AVER, NULL, LIM, MXB, DB or DBM.
Disable or enable the selected math function.
Query the state of the math function. Returns “0”(OFF) or “1”(ON).
CALCulate:PERCent:TARGet {
Set the target value for percent math function. The multimeter clears the value when Min/Max
is turned on, when the power has been off or a remote interface reset.
CALCulate:PERCent:TARGet? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Query the target value for percent math function.
Read the minimum value found during the Min/Max operation. The multimeter clears the value
when Min/Max is turned on, when the power has been off or a remote interface reset.
Read the maximum value found during the Min/Max operation. The multimeter clears the value
when Min/Max is turned on, when the power has been off or a remote interface reset.
Read the average value of all readings taken since the Min/Max operation has been enabled.
The multimeter clears the value when Min/Max is turned on, when the power has been off or a
remote interface reset.