3.3.2 Average (AVG/MIN/MAX/COUNT)
When the Average function is enabled, DL-1060 takes in a series of readings from the
measurements, stores the minimum and maximum readings in the memory, and then
calculates the average value of all readings and reading counts. The number of
readings taken since Average operation is enabled is recorded as well. These data are
stored in a volatile memory, presenting promptly on the secondary display, and will be
cleared when the meter is turned off, or when the Average is turned on again, or after
a remote interface reset.
How to use Average
You can use the Average feature either through the front panel operation or the
remote interface operation.
Front Panel Operation
Press one of the measurement function buttons to select a measurement function
as shown in
Figure 3-23
Press SHIFT + NULL buttons to enter MATH submenu.
, and ENTER
uttons to locate “AVERAGE” submenu, and then press
ENTER to actuate it.
To read the average value, min/max value, and total counts, you can press
buttons to switch between those values.
Figure 3-23
Note: Press SHIFT+NULL > OFF or switch to other measurement to disable this
feature. The “MATH” anunnciator on the display indicates the state of a
mathematical feature.