SCPI Command Terminators
A command string sent to the multimeter must terminate with a <new line> character. The
IEEE-488 EOI (end-or-identify) message is interpreted as a <new line> character and can be
used to terminate a command string in place of a <new line> character. A <carriage return>
followed by a <new line> is also accepted. Command string termination will always reset the
current SCPI command path to the root level.
IEEE-488.2 (GPIB) Common Commands
The IEEE-488.2 standard defines a set of common commands that perform functions like reset,
self-test, and status operations. Common commands always begin with an asterisk (*), are
four to five characters in length, and may include one or more parameters. The command
keyword is separated from the first parameter by a blank space.
Use a semicolon ( ; ) to separate multiple commands as shown below:
"*RST; *CLS; *ESE 32; *OPC?"
SCPI Parameter Types
The SCPI language defines several different data formats to be used in program messages and
response messages.
Numeric Parameters
Commands that require numeric parameters will accept all commonly
used decimal representations of numbers including optional signs, decimal points, and
scientific notation. Special values for numeric parameters like MINimum, MAXimum, and
DEFault are also accepted. You can also send engineering unit suffixes with numeric
parameters (e.g., M, k, or
). If only specific numeric values are accepted, the multimeter will
automatically round the input numeric parameters. The following command uses a numeric
VOLTage:DC:RANGe {<range>|MINimum|MAXimum}
Discrete Parameters
Discrete parameters are used to program settings that have a limited
number of values (like BUS, IMMediate, EXTernal). They have a short form and a long form
just like command keywords. You can mix upper-and lower-case letters. Query responses will
always return the short form in all upper-case letters. The following command uses discrete
TRIGger:SOURce {BUS|IMMediate|EXTernal}
Boolean Parameters
Boolean parameters represent a single binary condition that is either
true or false. For a false condition, the multimeter will accept “OFF” or “0”. For a tr
ue condition,
the multimeter will accept “ON” or “1”. When you query a boolean setting, the instrument will
always return “0” or “1”. The following command uses a boolean parameter: