Installation and Maintenance Manual
Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Installation and Maintenance Manual v4/0615/10
The Import option allows Contact entries stored on an existing database to be imported into the
configuration. The field names must match the following syntax:
company, name, phone, fax, mobile, home, spare1, spare2, ambiguous, mail, firstname, lastname,
description, department, job, street, city, county, postcode, country, ourAccount, theirAccount, URL,
Save the file storing this information in a .csv format and name it as contacts.txt. Use FTP via a browser or
Command Prompt, as described in the Admin Access to a Call Server section on page 273, to copy this file
into the ftp directory of the Call Server,
To import the entries into the configuration:
Select the Import button
Confirmation that each entry has been added to the database will be displayed.
Select Continue at the bottom to return to the File Import/Export screen.
If a duplicate name is found a dot will be added until the name is unique, eg if three Contacts called J
Smith are imported, one will be called “J Smith”, the next “J Smith.” and the next “J
Any fields that are not recognised by the system will be ignored. The order of the fields in contacts.txt is
irrelevant, the system will recognise the field name. All telephone numbers will be imported in a format
that can be dialled by the system, ie brackets, spaces etc are removed.
If a Contact’s address consists of more lines than just Street, Town and County, fields labelled “address1”,
“address2”, “address3” and “address4” will be imported and
displayed in the Street field separated by a
comma. These fields will replace any field labelled “street”.
The Import function will always add entries to the database, therefore if you accidentally press the Import
button twice the entries will be added twice. Use the Remove button to correct this.
The Remove button will delete all entries from the database that match entries found in contacts.txt.
Additional entries created manually will not be deleted. Confirmation that each entry has been deleted
from the database will be displayed. Select Continue at the bottom to return to the File Import/Export
The Export option will copy all Contact entries contained in the database to a file called contacts.out.txt. If
an existing contacts.out.txt already exists this will be overwritten. You may wish to make a copy of this file
before performing an Export.
If any trailing dots are found in the Name field these will be removed.
If you wish to open contacts.out.txt in Microsoft Excel
, for example, change the file extension from “.txt”
to “.csv”.