About numerical data
[The data that receipt of letter is possible]
Data with numbers below the decimal point omitted or zero-suppressed data can be received.
(Number of digits: Within 7 digits)
When data send with
1.500 at the time of
1.5, SRZ unit can
receive a data.
When the host computer sends data with decimal point to item of without decimal point, the SRZ
unit receives a message with the value that cut off below the decimal point.
When setting range is 0 to 200, the SRZ unit receives as a following.
Send data
0.5 100.5
Receive data
0 100
The SRZ unit receives value in accordance with decided place after the decimal point. The value
below the decided place after the decimal point is cut off.
When setting range is
10.00 to
10.00, the controller receives as a following.
Send data
.058 .05
Receive data
0.05 0.05 0.00
If the host computer sends “decimal point only (.)” or “minus sign and decimal point only
(-.),” the SRZ unit receives this as “0.” However, the decimal point position will be the same
as the decimal point position of the transmitted data item.
[The data that receipt of letter is impossible]
The SRZ unit sends NAK when received a following data.
Plus sign and the data that gained plus sing
Only minus sign (there is no figure)
(4) ACK (Acknowledgment)
An acknowledgment ACK is sent by the SRZ unit when data received is correct. When the host
computer receives ACK from the SRZ unit, the host computer will send any remaining data. If there is
no more data to be sent to the SRZ unit, the host computer sends EOT to terminate the data link.