■Repair may not be possible in the following cases:
When a repair counter judges the cause of malfunction is exposure to water (Example:
when wet-indication sticker reacts)
When, as the result of inspection, corrosion is found due to exposure to water,
condensation or sweat, or any of the internal boards are damaged or deformed (damage to
the external connector terminal (earphone/microphone terminal) or LCD or cracked body
could be the case as well)
※ Since these conditions are outside the scope of the warranty, any repairs, if at all
possible, will be charged.
■After expiration of the warranty
All repairs that are requested are charged.
■Replacement parts
Replacement parts (parts required to maintain functions) will in principle be kept in stock for
6 years after termination of production. However, depending on the malfunctioning part,
repair may not be possible due to a lack of replacement parts. Even after the stock period
has expired, the repair of some malfunctioning parts may be possible. You should therefore
contact "Repairs" (in Japanese only) at the last page of this manual.