MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
Annexure - 1
Classification and reset procedure of Fault Messages
The faults are classified into three levels such as high, medium and low priority, based on
the severity of the effect of the fault on locomotive operation.
High Priority faults:
The faults that can cause damage to engine, total restriction of
loco operation or damage to electrical equipments are classified as high priority faults.
The order of priority of these faults is assigned based on the restrictions imposed on the
locomotive operations due to occurrence of those faults. The faults, which lead to engine
shut down, or prohibition of motoring and dynamic braking etc. are treated as first in
priority faults. The faults leading to reducing power of locomotive are next in priority. The
faults resulting in cutting out of traction motor are next in priority. In case of these
faults,the Alarm Gong (ALG) and the display buzzer will be energised either continuously
or for 30 second
The driver can silence the Alarm Gong and buzzer by pressing
the acknowledge switch provided on the display unit.
Even otherwise, in case of
most of the faults, the Alarm Gong and buzzer will go OFF after 30 second automatically.
Medium Priority Faults:
The faults resulting in reduction of power, prohibition of
dynamic braking, prohibition of battery charging etc. are treated as medium Level faults.
In these cases, the Alarm Gong will be energised for 5 seconds and the display of fault
message and buzzer will continue for 15 seconds.
Low Priority Faults:
The faults for which fault tolerance is built in the system and other
faults are treated as low priority faults. In these cases, Alarm Gong will not be energised
but the fault message is displayed and the buzzer in the display unit is energised for 15
In case of any fault, the fault is recorded in the error log along with 8 data packs
irrespective of its priority level. It is recommended to down load this error log to and
analyse the fault data packs before going for actual investigation.
Fault reset:
For most of the faults, automatic recognition of fault recovery is provided. When a fault
occurs, the MEP 660 system identifies the fault recovery conditions and announces
recovery for the fault through a display message and automatically removes all
restrictions imposed on the loco operation due to that fault. For some of the faults, the
philosophy of automatic reset of fault when the master controller handle is brought to
idle is used. In this type of faults, the fault is reset three times automatically within an
hour and if the fault repeats the 4
time, it will not be reset. After that this can only be
reset manually. For very few faults, fault clearing is restricted to manual resetting only.
For any fault, it is possible to manually clear the fault through the display unit, after
attending to it. However, three levels of access are defined for this purpose.
Access level LOW:
These faults (irrespective of their priority level) are permitted to be
cleared by the driver. By pressing the “MENU” key, he can select “Faults” menu and from
the options under that menu, he can select “Clear Active Faults” menu and navigate