MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
FAULT MESSAGE Cranking Contactor Stuck Open. Engine may not Crank.
5 Sec.
Low, Manual
After manual reset if the fault still present, the fault will be generated
Automatic when CK1/CK2/CK3 auxiliary contacts open.
1. Defective CKC contactor
2. Defective output card MLSD 16 card in slot 14.
3. Connector of cable ID: AY is slack at MEP-660
4. Defective wiring
5. Defective cranking contactor
6. Defective digital input card MDIP 16 in slot 10
This message will be logged during cranking only.
1. Open the battery knife switch.
2. Manually operate and check free operation of CKC contactor and all
the three cranking contactors. Ensure there is no mechanical
obstruction to operate.
3. Ensure that both Green and Yellow LEDs 0, 1 and 2 on the digital
input card MDIP 16 in slot 10 are glowing.
4. If all the three LEDs are glowing:
A. Manually open the Auxiliary contacts of CK1, Ck2 and CK3.
B. Corresponding Green and Yellow LED should go off.
C. If corresponding LED is not going OFF,
a) Check the supply voltage on the corresponding feed back wire
(CK1FB/CK2FB/CK3FB) with respective to locomotive 4 wire.
b) If the supply is zero while the auxiliary contact is opened
manually and still the Green/Yellow LED is glowing, then the
digital input card MDIP 16 card in slot 10 is defective. Replace
the card.
c) If the supply voltage is more than 65V, then wiring mistake.
Identify from where the supply is feeding and rectify.
5. Close the battery knife switch and prepare the loco for cranking.
6. Pack the CK1, CK2, and CK3 contacts with an insulating sheet so
that auxiliary contacts open when they operate and no battery
supply is going to Aux. Machines.
7. Press start button.
8. CKC should pick up.
9. If CKC is not picking up.
A. Check the voltage at the operating coil of CKC.
B. If the voltage is more than 65 Volts and still CKC is not picking
up, then CKC is defective. Replace the CKC.
C. If the voltage is zero, then check the voltage at wire No. 71 with
respect loco wire No. 4.
D. If the voltage is zero check the wire continuity of wire 71
connected to CKC coil.
E. If the Voltage is more than 65 volts at wire 71, then check the
voltage between loco wire 13 and wire CKCCL at CKC coil.
F. If the voltage is zero,