MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
FAULT MESSAGE AFLR Circuit Open. Run Auto/Manual Test. Remove AFLR Relay to stop
Buzzer & Flasher Light glowing.
5 sec.
LOW, Manual
If the fault condition is still present even when cleared manually, the
fault will be generated again.
Automatic when AFLR auxiliary contact is closed.
1. Defective relay AFLR.
2. Defective wiring.
3. Defective MLSD16 card in slot 15.
4. Defective MDIP16 card in slot 12.
1. Switch ON circuit breakers MB1, MB2 and MPCB breakers only and
all other breakers in OFF position. Check the status of AFLR relay.
The relay should be in energised position.
2. If the AFL Relay is in de-energized position, check the voltage
between 50 wire at the coil and locomotive 4-wire.
A. If the voltage is zero, check the continuity of the 50-wire loop
connected to the AFL Relay. Identify the wrong connections and
3. If the voltage at 50-wire (AFLR terminal) is more than 65V, check
the voltage between locomotive 50 wire and the wire AFLRCL at the
coil terminal.
A. If the voltage is zero, there is no continuity of AFLRCL wire from
MEP660 to AFLR relay.
a) Check the slackness of the connector at MEP for the cable ID:
AZ. If slack tighten the connector.
b) Check the continuity of the wire AFLRCL from the coil terminal
to the connector of cable ID: AZ (Pin – L). If necessary
replace the cable.
c) If still the AFL Relay is not energized, the MLSD 16 card in
slot 15 might be defective. Replace and check up.
4. If the Voltage is more than 65V and the AFL Relay is not energized,
then the relay is defective. Replace the relay.
5. If the AFL Relay is energized and the still the fault is logging:
6. Check the status of the Green LED 12 on the digital input card
MDIP16 in slot 12.
7. If the Green LED 12 is not glowing, check the voltage between wire
51 at the AFLR interlock and locomotive 4 wire.
A. If the voltage is zero check the continuity of 51 wire connected
to AFLR interlock.
8. If the Voltage is more than 65 V, check the voltage between wire
No. AFLRFB at the relay terminal and locomotive 4 wire.
A. If the voltage is zero, AFLR interlock is bad. Replace the relay. If
the Green LED still does not glow
9. If the voltage at AFLRFB (relay interlock) is more than 65V,
A. Check the slackness of the connector at the control unit for the
cable ID: AW. Tighten the connector if slack.
B. Check the continuity of the wire AFLRFB from the coil terminal