MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
wiring and rectify.
B. If the voltage is more than 65V, check the voltage between
S31FB and locomotive 4 wire.
a) If the voltage is zero, the interlock is bad. Replace the
interlock / aux. Contact.
b) If the voltage is more than 65V,
1) Check the slackness of the connector at the MEP660
control unit for the cable ID: AU. If the connector is slack
tighten the connector.
2) Check the continuity of the wire S31FB from the
contactor to the cable (ID: AU) connector pin-M. If
necessary replace the cable.
3) If still Green LED 11 is not glowing, the digital input card
MDIP16 in slot No. 11 defective. Replace the card and
11. If the Green LED 11 is glowing and corresponding yellow LED is not
glowing also, the MDIP16 card is defective.