MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
wiring and rectify.
B. If the voltage is more than 65V, check the voltage between
P21FB and locomotive 4 wire.
a) If the voltage is zero, the interlock is bad. Replace the
interlock/aux. Contact.
b) If the voltage is more than 65V,
1) Check the slackness of the connector at the MEP660
control unit for the cable ID: AU. If the connector is slack
tighten the connector.
2) Check the continuity of the wire P21FB from the contactor
to the cable (ID: AU) connector pin-E. If necessary
replace the cable.
3) If still Green LED 4 is not glowing, the digital input card
MDIP16 in slot No. 11 defective. Replace the card and
11. If the Green LED 4 is glowing and corresponding yellow LED is not
glowing also, the MDIP16 card is defective.