MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
FAULT MESSAGE P22 stuck open. Run Auto/manual test.
Power Limited. Power circuit problem
Reference power is reduced by 1/6 times of such faults while motoring
in 6P mode.
5 seconds
Low, Manual
After manual reset if the fault still present, the fault will be generated
Automatic when P22 power contactor closes.
1. Defective power contactor.
2. Bad wiring.
3. Slackness in connector of cable ID: AY at MEP-660.
4. Defective digital output card MLSD 16 in slot 14.
5. Slackness in connector of cable ID: AU at MEP-660
6. Defective digital input card MDIP 16 in slot 10.
This fault will be logged due to delayed / sluggish operation of power
contactors. The fault may not exist while troubleshooting. In such case
check and ensure that the power contactor is operating freely and the
auxiliary contact is having sufficient over travel and pressure.
1. Check and ensure control air pressure is 5Kg./Sq.Cm. If control air
pressure is less/excess adjust to 5Kg./Sq./Cm.
2. Operate the power contactor manually by pressing armature plate
of the magnet valve.
3. If the power contactor is not operating:
A. Defective pneumatic pipeline. Check and replace the pipeline.
B. Defective magnet valve. Check and replace.
C. Defective power contactor. Check and replace.
4. If the power contactor is operating, set up the display to ‘Manual
Test for Outputs’ under ‘Test Mode’ menu option.
5. Enter 4 and press ‘Enter’ key to test P22 power contactor operation.
6. Press 1 to energise the P22 contactor.
7. If P22 is not picking up, check voltage at the power contactor
magnet valve terminals.
A. If the voltage is more than 65V, magnet valve coil is defective.
Replace the magnet valve.
8. If the voltage is zero, check voltage at coil terminal (wire 13) with
respect to locomotive 4 wire.
A. If the voltage is zero, check the continuity of 13-wire loop
coming to magnet valve coil. Check and replace open circuited
wire/wrong connection.
9. If the voltage is more than 60 V, Check the supply voltage between
loco wire 50 and magnet valve coil terminal P22CL.
A. If voltage is zero, there is no continuity of wire P22CL from MEP-
660 to magnet valve.
a) Check slackness of connector of (Cable ID: AY) at MEP-660. If
slack tighten the connector.
b) Check the continuity of P22CL wire from MEP-660 to magnet