MEP 660 - Trouble shooting Manual
Doc No.: IM – 51
Print: October 2008
1) The GF contactor-operating coil is open circuited
internally or there may be a physical obstruction in the
contactor operation. Check and replace the GF contactor
if necessary.
c) If the voltage is zero, then
d) Check the voltage on coil terminal wire No. 13 and 4.
1) If Voltage is zero, then wire loop 13 connected to GF
operating coil is open circuited. Identify and replace.
2) If the voltage is more than 65V, then negative feed is not
coming to GF contactor oerating coil.
3) This may be due to cable fault or digtal ouput card
4) Check the cable continuity from MEP-660 to GF contactor
coil. If necessary replace the cable.
5) If continuity is available, replace the digital ouput card.
And check the operations of GF contactor.