Chapter 6
Reading Out Measured Result
Reading Out Measured Result
Reading out results of several measurements in batch (using data
You can use the data buffer to temporarily store the results of several measurements and
then later read out these results in batch.
Data buffer types
There are three types of data buffers (buffers 1–3). Buffers 1 and 2 have the same function.
Buffer 3 has a different function as shown in the below table.
Feed position
Data fed into the buffer is stored sequentially in the order of measurement. When the data
is read out, the feed position returns to the beginning of the buffer and storage newly starts
from the position of the first data set (
The feed position also returns to the beginning of the buffer in the following case:
• When you set up the number of measurements to be fed into the data buffer.
Buffers 1 and 2
Buffer 3
Maximum number of measurements
that can be fed
Data to be fed
for each
When the
function is OFF
3 data items: measurement
status, measured value of the
primary parameter or secondary
, and comparator
sorting result
(Independent of ON/OFF of the
comparator function)
3 data items: measurement
status, measured primary
parameter value, and measured
secondary parameter value
When the
function is ON
4 data items: measurement
status, measured primary
parameter value, measured
secondary parameter value, and
comparator sorting result
*1.Use the
:DATA:FEED:BUF1 command on page 194
to select the parameter to store
into the buffer from the primary or secondary parameters.
*2.When the comparator function is OFF, 11 is read out.