Appendix E
Error Messages
Error messages (order of error number)
r Me
Power failed
Power unit hardware failure is detected.
Contact Keysight Technology’s Sales and Service Office or the company from which you
purchased the device.
A1 EEPROM write error
An error is generated while writing data to A1 EEPROM.
Contact Keysight Technology’s Sales and Service Office or the company from which you
purchased the device.
CPU bd FLASH ROM write error
An error is generated while writing data to FLASH.
Contact Keysight Technology’s Sales and Service Office or the company from which you
purchased the device.
CPU bd EEPROM write error
An error is generated while writing data to EEPROM.
Contact Keysight Technology’s Sales and Service Office or the company from which you
purchased the device.
Command error
A comprehensive syntax error has occurred for which the E4981A cannot detect further
details of the error. This error code simply indicates the occurrence of a command error
that is defined in IEEE488.2,
Invalid character
Invalid characters have been found in the program message string. For example, in a
correct program message “
”, an ampersand (&) is inserted by mistake
to give “
Syntax error
There is a command or data type that cannot be recognized. For example, in the program
message “
”, a colon (:) is inserted by mistake to give “
Invalid separator
The parser (syntax analysis program) expects a separator, but a character other than a
separator has been sent. For example, although the correct way is to use “;” to separate two
sent program messages such as “
”, the semicolon (;) needed to
separate the program messages is missing to give “
Data type error
The parser has recognized impossible data elements. For example, numeric value or string
data is expected, but block data is sent.
GET not allowed
A group execution trigger (GET) has been received in a program message. (Refer to