Chapter 2
Overview of Remote Control
LAN remote control system
Step 5.
Press ] while holding down Ctrl in the telnet screen to break the connection to the E4981A.
The telnet prompt appears. Type “quit” at the telnet prompt and press Enter to finish using
In E4981A, Telnet cannot be set to OFF.
Control from a program (using port 5025)
When controlling the E4981A from a program on the external controller, use the socket of
port 5025 for connection. Use
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN[:SELF]:CONTrol? on
to obtain the connection port number.
In E4981A, Socket cannot be set to OFF.
Control using C or Visual Basic
You can control the E4981A by socket programming using C language in a UNIX
environment, or Visual C++ or Visual Basic in a Windows environment.
For socket programming, the library for network connection on the TCP/IP protocol is
required. For a UNIX environment, BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) Sockets API is
available; for a Windows environment, WinSock (WinSock1.1 and WinSock2.0), created
by porting BSD Sockets to Windows and expanding it, is available.
Control using Keysight VEE
Keysight VEE allows you to control the E4981A through the connection to the socket of
port 5025 using the To/From Socket.
Figure 2-5
shows an example (when the IP address of
the E4981A is Enter “5025” in the field to specify the port for connection
Figure 2-5
) and enter the IP address of the E4981A in the field to specify the host
Figure 2-5
Figure 2-5
Example of control using Keysight VEE