GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller
Section 2
Section 2 - Installation
2.1 General Information
This section provides basic guidelines and recommendations for the proper installation of the controller
equipment. These guidelines should be used as general instructions. They are not intended to usurp
local codes and regulations.
2.2 Site Selection
There are several factors that elevator personnel should consider when choosing a location for installing
this product. The elevator controller should be installed at a location that provides the most convenient
access for adjustment, inspections, and repairs. If at all possible, elevator personnel should have an
unobstructed view of the machine when standing in front of the controller. A safe and adequate
workspace around the controller must be provided. Work areas must be free of any items that might
interfere with the proper routing of conduits or hinder the opening of cabinet doors. All clearances,
workspaces, lighting, and guarding around the controller must comply with governing codes
2.3 Environmental Considerations
The controller package is provided with a standard type 1 enclosure. This type of controller should be
installed in a clean, dry, and non-corrosive environment. Ideally, the equipment room should be
temperature controlled between 70° F and 90° F. However, control equipment will function properly within
an ambient temperature range of 32° to 110° F. If temperatures remain at the upper and lower extremes
of this range for an extended period of time, the life expectancy of the control equipment may be reduced.
It is important to always keep the controller dry, clean, and free of any dust and debris.
The control system is designed to have a high immunity to electrical noise, radio frequency radiation, and
magnetic interference. However, high levels of these items could cause interference with certain parts of
the control system.
The power supply feeding the controller should have a fluctuation of no greater than + or - 10%.
2.4 Wiring Guidelines and Instructions
See the
on page “
” of this manual