GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 5
– LCD Interface
Table 5-7: STATUSF3: Control Status Flag (Pops up over current fault)
Bit 0:
Bit 16:
Bit 1:
Bit 17:
Bit 2:
Bit 18:
Bit 3: (sfASC) APS Selector CAN Fault
Bit 19:
Bit 4: (sfNAC) NTS APS Selector CAN Fault
Bit 20:
Bit 5: (sfMSP) MC/SPD I/O Fault
Bit 21:
Bit 6: (sfSSA) Stop Switch Anti-Creep
Bit 22:
Bit 7:
Bit 23:
Bit 8:
Bit 24:
Bit 9:
Bit 25:
Bit 10:
Bit 26:
Bit 11:
Bit 27:
Bit 12:
Bit 28:
Bit 13:
Bit 29:
Bit 14:
Bit 30:
Bit 15:
Bit 31:
The Elevator State Machine screen shows the last state that was executed when checking the Doors,
when checking to determine if a Run is required, checking to Start a run and checking to relevel the car.
Figure 5-4: Elevator State Machine Screen