GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 6
– Main CPU Faults & Detailed Faults
Table 6-0: Main CPU Faults
Possible Cause/Suggested Fix
Failed Off
The SDF input or
output has failed off
• Faulty SDFi input. Swap input board to see if SDFi input
chip is bad and replace input board if necessary.
• The SDF solenoid is shorted to GND at the SDF terminal.
Refer to the schematic and check the circuit with a meter.
• Faulty SDF output. Swap the output with another device to
verify if the output is bad and replace if necessary.
Failed On
The SDF input or
output has failed on.
• Faulty SDFi input. Swap input board to see if SDFi input
chip is bad and replace input board if necessary.
• The SDF test jumper was left on the output after an I/O
test. Remove test jumper.
• Voltage back feed through the SDF coil. Verify that the SDF
solenoid is connected to the solenoid common. Refer to the
schematic and check the circuit with a meter.
• Faulty SDF output. Swap the output with another device to
verify if the output is bad and replace if necessary.
SDF I/O OnFault
SDF I/O Failed on
when stopped at the
floor. After the car
stops at the floor and
the RUN output drops,
the SUF and SDF I/Os
are check to verify
that they have turned
• Verify that
the LED on the output module has turned off.
If not, then replace the output module.
• Check for voltage
on the solenoid terminal. If there is no voltage then replace
the appropriate input board.
• If there is voltage on the
solenoid terminal, remove the output module. If the voltage
goes away with the removal of the output module, replace
the output module.
Shutdown Alarm
Shutdown Alarm: The
controller is out of
service from a fault
condition for a time
period greater than
adjustable shutdown
alarm timer.
• This error is logged so the system can send notification
from the Galileo Monitoring System. Check the previous
error that was logged to determine the cause.