Section 6: 9100 System Operation — SCPI Language
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For each calibration operation, the required calibration point (factor) must be targetted (Refer to Section 10, Paras 10.3.4). This
command permits the user to define three parameters associated with the calibration point in the current operation:
The first
is an integer from 1 to 6, allocated to the calibration point at which calibration is intended. This will be one
of those listed on the Calibration mode screen, in 'Target State', for the corresponding function and hardware range.
The second
is a value which will determine the required hardware range (amplitude) of the 9100 for that calibration
The third, optional,
is a value which will determine the required hardware range (frequency) of the 9100 for that
calibration point.
For example when the 9100 is in AC Voltage at 30V 1kHz:
CAL:TARG 1 , 29.001 , 1.05
indicates that calibration of point 1 is required, at a voltage of 29.001V and a frequency of 1.05kHz.
Once a target has been set, the 9100 adjustment is restricted to values within the selected hardware voltage span and frequency band.
In order to release this restriction, one of the following commands must be sent:
or a new
Any error which occurs will also release the restriction.
CALibration Subsystem