Section 10: Calibrating the Model 9100: Summary of Calibration Process
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13. Standard Calibration can only be carried out for the following functions:
DC Voltage
AC Voltage
DC Current
AC Current
If you are calibrating a function other than DC Voltage, select the required function
to see its corresponding function screen. (For selection method, refer to the Model
9100 Universal Calibration System User's Handbook — Volume 1 — Operation,
Section 4, subsections 4.4 [ACV], 4.5 [DC Current], 4.6 [AC Current], 4.7 [Resistance]
and 4.13 [Capacitance].)
14. Select the required hardware configuration by setting the 9100 output to a value that
uses the hardware configuration. (Details of each function's hardware configurations
and suitable output values to select them can be found in the detailed procedures
provided later in this section.)
15. Press the TARGET screen key to display the hardware configuration's target
selection screen.
16. a) If you wish to use the target calibration points used during the previous calibration
of the 9100, press the Factor screen key corresponding to the required target
value, which will display a 'calibrate' screen for the target value.
b) If you wish to use the default target calibration points defined for this hardware
configuration, press the DEFLT screen key and then press the Factor screen key
corresponding to the required target value, which will display a calibrate screen
for the target value.
17. If you wish to change the amplitude of the target calibration point, press the TAB
key one or more times until the cursor is positioned on the target value amplitude.
Now use any of the 9100's normal editing modes to change this value. (Note that the
new value must lie within the limits specified in the detailed procedures provided later
in this section.)
18. Press the TRANSFR screen key to transfer the target calibration point values
(amplitude or amplitude and frequency) to the 9100's output control displays.
continued overleaf