Users Manual
19.4.1 How Instrument Types Affect the Available Test Instrument List
If you have entered a calibration for an Instrument that has been assigned an
(see Chapter 17) then only the Test Instruments that were set to calibrate that
Instrument type will be listed in the
Available Test Instruments
box. If the
field on the Instrument’s master record was left blank, then all Test Instruments will
be displayed in the
Available Test Instruments
box. Note that this functionality is not
applicable to calibrations entered for Loops, Systems or other Test Instruments.
In addition, the "Quick View" function allows you to view information from each Test
Instrument’s master record. To do this, highlight one or more Test Instruments and right-
click with your mouse. A box labeled “Quick View of Selected Test Instruments” will
appear. Click this box with your mouse and every Test Instrument you highlighted will
appear in a grid showing their model numbers, serial numbers, statuses, etc.
19.4.2 Show All
Selecting the
Show All
button will show all Test Instruments regardless of Instrument
19.5 SOP Tab
This tab displays information about the SOP that was linked to the calibrated item. It
shows the
SOP Number
Revision Number
SOP Title
and any data entered onto the
tab of the SOP record. This page is a read-only screen meaning that it cannot
be modified in any way. It is included in the CALIBRATION screen so that it may be
easily referenced.
The Change SOP button allows you to document the actual SOP that was followed when
the calibration was performed, if it differed from that recorded on the item’s master
record. To record a different SOP number with a calibration record, click the Change
SOP button. This action will invoke the
Select Calibration Procedure Used
screen. In
this screen you may then highlight the SOP desired and click the Change button. If
however, you would like to remove the current SOP, but not replace it, then click the
Clear SOP button.
Keep in mind that if you elect to change or add a SOP used for the calibration of an item,
it will only appear on that calibration record. The item’s master record will not be
affected in any way.
19.6 User Defined Tab
This tab page contains all user defined variables (fields) that have been set up for the
CALIBRATION screen. (See Chapter 10 for instructions about how to set up user
defined variables.)
f the CALIBRATION screen contains user defined variables whose names
match user defined variables on the calibrated item’s Master record and
the variable is NOT a signature, the value will be filled in as a default value
from the master record upon initial calibration entry. However, the user
can still modify the user defined variables in the CALIBRATION screen.
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