Cisco SPA 500 Series and Wireless IP Phone Field Reference
Phone Tab
Cisco SPA 500 Series and WIP310 IP Phone Administration Guide
LDAP Client DN
Enter the distinguished name domain components
[dc] ; for example:
If using the default Active Directory schema
(Name(cn)->Users->Domain), an example of the
client DN follows:
cn="David Lee",dc=users,dc=cv2bu,dc=com
LDAP Username
Enter the username for a credentialed user on the
LDAP server.
LDAP Password
Enter the password for the LDAP username.
LDAP Search Base
Specify a starting point in the directory tree from
which to search.
Separate domain components [dc] with a comma.
For example:
LDAP Last Name Filter
This defines the search for surnames [sn], known as
last name in some parts of the world. For example,
sn:(sn=*$VALUE*). This search allows the provided
text to appear anywhere in a name, beginning,
middle, or end.
LDAP First Name Filter
This defines the search for the common name [cn].
For example, cn:(cn=*$VALUE*). This search allows
the provided text to appear anywhere in a name,
beginning, middle, or end.
LDAP Search Item 3
Additional customized search item. Can be blank if
not needed.
LDAP Item 3 Filter
Customized filter for the searched item. Can be
blank if not needed.
LDAP Search Item 4
Additional customized search item. Can be blank if
not needed.
LDAP Item 4 Filter
Customized filter for the searched item. Can be
blank if not needed.