FSN Series • User’s Guide
7. Operations
Understanding Switcher Layers
To help you understand FSN Series architecture from a production perspective, and to
assist with the creation of switcher “looks,” the diagram below illustrates how the various
switcher banks are layered on the FSN-150.
Figure 7-1.
Switcher layers, FSN-150
The following rules apply:
Input video from the FSN-1400 flows into the M/E and PGM banks across the
crosspoint matrix.
M/E 1 consists of Background (BG) and Preset (PST) buses, and two layers of
keys (Key 1 and Key 2). The bank provides Program, Preview and Clean Feed
outputs, plus a “re-entry” output that flows into the PGM bank. Please note:
The BG and PST buses comprise the background layer — the farthest
layer upstream, and visually, the layer that’s behind Key 1 and Key 2
(and all other switcher layers).
Key 1 is downstream of the BG and PST layer, but upstream of Key 2.
Keys created on Key 1 are visually “over” the BG and PST layer, but
“under” Key 2.
Key 2 is the farthest layer downstream on M/E 1. Keys created on Key 2
are visually “over” BG, PST and Key 1.
Even if you swap key settings by pressing the
{Swap Key Settings}
button, the priority of the layers does not change.
The PGM bank consist of Program (PGM) and Preset (PST) buses, and a single
layer of keying (DSK). The bank provides Program, Preview and Clean Feed
outputs. Please note:
The entire PGM bank is downstream of M/E 1 — visually on top of all
effects created on M/E 1.
The PGM and PST buses comprise the bank’s background layer — the
farthest layer upstream in the bank, and visually, the layer that’s behind
the DSK.
The DSK is downstream of the PGM and PST layer, but upstream of the
FTB (fade to black) function. Keys created on the DSK are visually
“over” PGM and PST.
FTB is the farthest function downstream in the switcher. This function
enables you to fade the entire switcher (including DSK) to black
M/E 1
Key 1
Key 2
Input Video
Input Video
BG and PST buses
PGM and PST buses
M/E Clean 1 (Pre Key 1)
M/E Clean 2 (Pre Key 2)
M/E Out
PGM Clean 1 (Pre DSK)
Program Out (Post FTB)
PGM Clean 2 (Post FTB)