Emprise 7000 Installation and Service Guide 78
Removing a DataPac
1. Determine the DataPac to be removed. Typically, the status of the DataPac to be removed is
. In the Physical View of ICON manager, the status should be Critical,
Nonoperational or Degraded.
Position 1 is the DataPac on the left as you face the front of the chassis; position 2 is the
DataPac on the right. You can beacon the DataPac from the Physical View of ICON manager
if you need to locate it.
2. In the Physical View of ICON manager, select the DataPac to be removed and click the
button. Record the virtual disks that are striped across each ISE Volume in the
DataPac to be removed. When you replace the DataPac, you will need to restripe these
virtual disks to the replacement DataPac.
3. Note whether the ISE volumes in the failed DataPac are labeled M (Mirrored) or S (Standard).
These ISE volumes must be labeled the same way in the replacement DataPac when you get
to step 10 on page 81.
4. Move the data to other DataPacs:
In the Physical View of ICON Manager, select the failed DataPac and select
from the actions pane. The command is available only if the DataPac has failed.
If the command is not available, use the
Restripe Data
command to restripe the data
away from the DataPac to be removed.
If there is not enough free space in the system, Xiotech will ship a spare ISE. See “Adding
an ISE” on page 67. You do not have to rack-mount the spare ISE.
5. Open the ISE Management Interface:
a. Enter the ISE IP address in a web browser. To get the IP address, you can connect a
serial cable to the ISE and use the ISE’s CLI command
show network
(see “Using
the ISE’s CLI” on
page 107). After entering the IP address, the ISE Management Con-
sole appears.
b. Log in with username and password
. The At-A-Glance Statuse Sum-
mary appears.
6. Select
and verify that there is no I/O on the the DataPac volumes.
The cooling design of the ISE requires that components be present in each
bay. Do not remove a failed component until the replacement has arrived to
minimize the time the ISE operates with a missing component.
The Remove DataPac function may take up to 30 minutes to complete. It may
appear to stall during the process, but this is normal.