Emprise 7000 Installation and Service Guide 19
Rack Mounting an ISE
Unpacking the ISE
The ISE is shipped in one of two ways: in a crate as shown in Figure 3-1 on page 19 or a ship-
ping carton and two separate boxes containing the DataPacs as shown in Figure 3-3 on page 21.
ISE Crate
The ISE crate is a mini-pallet with a heavy-duty cardboard box cover that is strapped to the pallet.
After cutting the two straps (not shown), remove the cardboard cover by lifting it straight up. With
the cover removed, the components, sealed in anti-static bags, are visible beneath the top cush-
ion. The create contains the following:
Top layer: Box cover, top cusion
Middle layer: Center box, adjustable custom rail kit (1), bezel (1), power cord sets (2)
Bottom layer: Chassis (1) with MRCs (2), battery units (2), DataPacs (2), power
supplies(2), bottom cushion
Figure 3-1: ISE Crate