Emprise 7000 Installation and Service Guide 114
Upgrading DataPac Firmware
The DataPacs contain firmware that can be upgraded from a DataPac-specific firmware file while
the ISE is online and performing data I/O.
: During a DataPac firmware upgrade, you specify which DataPac(s) are to receive the
new firmware. DataPac firmware files are specific to the DataPac type. Make sure you know
which DataPac should receive the upgrade.
: Once a firmware upgrade has been initiated, no other upgrade of either DataPac or
MRC firmware may be performed until the current upgrade has completed. An Add or Remove
procedure may not be performed until the firmware upgrade has completed.
When a firmware upgrade is performed, the new firmware is automatically propagated to both
DataPacs. After a firmware upgrade, the ISE automatically begins using the newly installed firm-
ware. All parameter settings, volume configurations, and other system information are preserved
through the upgrade process.
Upgrading DataPac firmware is a two-step process:
Step 1: Upload the file. During this step, you transfer the firmware upgrade file from a
location on your network to ISE local memory.
Step 2: Upgrade the firmware. During this step, the ISE transfers the file from its local
memory to each DataPac in turn and begins using the new firmware.
Upgrading DataPac Firmware
1. Locate the DataPac firmware upgrade file at http://support.xiotech.com and download it to a
location on your network.
2. Use the service or command of your choice to upload the DataPac firmware upgrade file from
its location on your network to ISE local memory. For example:
Answer any security questions and, when prompted, type the password on the ISE for the
user name you are using to connect to it. Typically, you should use the administrator
credentials (username and password are
cd /upgrade/datapac
to locate in the directory where the firmware file is to be deposited.
Another example:
> <
Answer any security questions and, when prompted, type the password on the ISE for the
user name you used to connect to it.
Use this procedure only for updating the DataPac firmware on a brand new
system. To update a DataPac in an existing system, the customer can use the
Updates node in ICON Manager.