Weir Warman 650 M200-MCR-G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 149

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BA 5010 EN 03.10


Safety instructions


Proper use

• The gear unit has been manufactured in accordance with the state of the art and is delivered in

a condition for safe and reliable use.

• The gear unit must be used and operated strictly in accordance with the conditions laid down in the

contract governing performance and supply agreed by FLENDER and the customer.

Entry to the gear unit is not permitted during operation!
Entry for maintenance and repair work is only permitted when the gear unit is
at a standstill!
Caution! Risk of falling!

Any changes on the part of the user are not permitted. This applies equally to
safety features designed to prevent accidental contact.


Obligations of the user

• The operator must ensure that everyone carrying out work on the gear unit has read and understood

these instructions and is adhering to them in every point in order to:

─ avoid injury or damage,

─ ensure the safety and reliability of the unit,

─ avoid disruptions and environmental damage through incorrect use.

• During transport, assembly, installation, dismantling, operation and maintenance of the unit, the relevant

safety and environmental regulations must be complied with at all times.

• The gear unit must be operated, maintained and/or repaired only by authorised, properly trained and

qualified personnel.

• The outside of the gear unit must not be cleaned with high­pressure cleaning equipment.

• All work must be carried out with great care and with due regard to safety.

All work on the gear unit must be carried out only when it is not in operation.
The drive unit must be secured against being switched on accidentally (e.g. by
locking the key switch or removing the fuses from the power supply). A notice
should be attached to the start switch stating clearly that work is in progress.
At the same time the complete installation must be without load, so that no
danger occurs during demounting operations (e.g. change of backstop).

• No electrical welding work must be done at all on the drive.

The drives must not be used as an earthing point for welding operations. Toothed parts and bearings
may be irreparably damaged by welding.

• A potential equalisation in accordance with the applying regulations and directives must be carried out!

If no threaded holes for earth connection are available on the gear unit, other appropriate measures must
be taken. This work must always be done by electrotechnical specialists.

If any inexplicable changes are noticed during operation of the gear unit, such
as an important increase in temperature or unusual noises, the drive assembly
must be switched off immediately.

Rotating and/or movable drive components must be fitted with suitable
safeguards to prevent contact.

Содержание Warman 650 M200-MCR-G

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Страница 2: ...s Aplicable to All Types of Warman Pumps III Assembly and Maintenance Instructions SUPPLEMENT MDS18 Sizes 400 750 Slurry Pumps Type MCR with B A Series M IV Assembly and Maintenance Instructions SUPPLEMENT MDS14 Basic Bearing Assembly Series M Frame Sizes M100 M120 M150 M180 M200 M240 V Assembly and Maintenance Instructions SUPPLEMENT M09 Gland Sealing VI Operating Instructions Model MCR MCU VII A...

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Страница 7: Test Standard unless otherwise specified For media other than water corrections must be made for density viscosity and or other effects of solids WEIR MINERALS reserves the right to change pump performance and or delete impellers without notice Frame suitability must be checked for each duty and drive arrangement Not all frame alternatives are necessarily available from each manufacturing centr...

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Страница 16: ... Ltd 2007 Weir Minerals Australia Ltd es el propietario de los Derechos de Autor del presente documento El texto imágenes diagramas datos e información que contiene el documento no deben ser copiados o reproducidos en su totalidad o en parte de ninguna forma o por ningún medio sin el previo consentimiento por escrito de Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Oficina de origen Pump Technology Centre Artarmon ...

Страница 17: ... en el equipo La bombas sólo deben ser usadas dentro de sus límites de presión temperatura y velocidad permisibles Estos límites dependen del tipo de bomba configuración y materiales usados No aplique calor a la saliente o a nariz del impulsor con el propósito de aflojar la rosca del impulsor antes de retirar el impulsor La destrucción o explosión del impulsor que ocurre cuando el calor es aplicad...

Страница 18: ...acenadas por periodos largos pueden causar contaminación de agua y o suelo No aplique compuestos anti agarrotamiento al impulsor o a las roscas del eje o a los sellos elastómeros durante el montaje Los compuestos anti agarrotamiento pueden reducir enormemente la fricción de las roscas del impulsor y puede causar que el impulsor se afloje durante el apagado e la bomba y separación provocando daños ...


Страница 20: 19 Cuidado del Sello del Eje 19 Re empaque del Prensaestopas 20 Ajuste del Impulsor 20 Sujeción 21 Purga de la Grasa del Laberinto 21 Lubricación del rodamiento 21 MANTENIMIENTO Y REACONDICIONADO 22 General 22 Desmontaje de la bomba 22 Inspección Remoción de Rodamientos 23 Reemplazo de Partes Gastadas 24 Re ensamblado Post Mantenimiento y Reacondicionado 25 5 PUESTA EN MARCHA DE BOMBAS 26 ALMAC...

Страница 21: ... de serie de la bomba y los códigos de identificación están sellados en la placa de identificación El código de identificación de la bomba está compuesto de dígitos y letras ordenadas como se muestra a continuación DÍGITOS LETRAS LETRAS a b c TAMAÑO DE LA BOMBA TAMAÑO DE LA CARCASA TIPO EXTREMO HUMEDO a El TAMAÑO DE LA BOMBA se expresa en una de las dos maneras siguientes 1 El tamaño de la bomba e...

Страница 22: ...nas son AH SHD M L SC HH y H Bombas de pulpa con camisetas reemplazables AHP AHPP HP y HPP Bombas de pulpa con piezas fundidas de alta presión y camisetas reemplazables D G y GH bombas de dragado y gravilla S SH Bombas de solución TC Bombas Cyklo PC PCH Bombas de procesos químicos SP SPR y GPS Bombas de sumidero AF AHF LF y MF Bombas de espuma GSL Bombas de Desulfuración Flue Gas Las bombas de cab...

Страница 23: ...ias y el desgaste del acoplamiento En transmisiones de correa en V los ejes que no están paralelos causan desgaste excesivo de la correa Se deben evitar los acoplamientos rígidos Debe tomarse en cuenta que los sets de bombas que han sido alineados con precisión en la fábrica pueden desalinearse durante el transporte así que el alineamiento debe ser revisado nuevamente durante la instalación Las tr...

Страница 24: ...ica del desgaste de la correa durante la vida útil de la misma así como el ajuste de las correas para corregir la tensión según sea necesario NOTA Las nuevas correas deberán ser tensionadas al más alto nivel establecido usando un Indicador de Tensión de Correa en V Vee Belt para permitir una disminución en tensión durante el normal funcionamiento en periodo Las nuevas correas deben operar bajo car...

Страница 25: ... a 35 140 a 200 35 a 45 SPB 112 a 224 45 a 65 236 a 315 65 a 85 SPC 224 a 355 85 a 115 375 a 560 115 a 150 A 80 a 140 10 a 15 B 125 a 200 20 a 30 C 200 a 400 40 a 60 1 Los ejes no están paralelos el uno al el otro 2 Los ejes no están en alineamiento correcto a pesar de que parecen paralelos cuando son vistos desde arriba 3 Los ejes están paralelos y alineadosos pero las poleas no están alineadas V...

Страница 26: ...etados o resortes que impiden que se alojen los acoplamientos los mismos pines o resortes deben ser retirados se deben marcar líneas en ambas mitades de acoplamientos y las lecturas se tomarán sólo cuando las dos están alineadas En acoplamientos con bordes dentados asegúrese que los acoplamientos son rotados que los émbolos de los indicadores no caigan en una ranura y se dañan Alineamiento angular...

Страница 27: ...l efecto de elevar la línea media de una máquina en relación a la otra y deben tenerse en cuenta Las unidades deben ser realineadas cuando cada una haya llegado a su temperatura de funcionamiento correcta Tolerancias Siga las recomendaciones del fabricante Si no hay recomendaciones disponibles los límites de precisión dentro de los cuales se deben hacer los ajustes no pueden ser específicamente de...

Страница 28: ...bos deben ser herméticas para asegurar el cebado de la bomba Recomendaciones y procedimientos para tubería inter etapas para instalaciones multi etapas están disponibles en la División Weir Minerals Bridas Las bridas coincidentes en la admisión y descarga de la bomba deben estar al ras según se muestra en el dibujo A4 111 1 121595 adjunto Mantener las bridas al ras es importante para proporcionar ...

Страница 29: ...NCIONAR LA BOMBA Sello del Eje Para bombas selladas por Prensaestopas revise si hay agua disponible para el Prensaestopas y que sea en cantidad suficiente y con la presión correcta La presión del agua para el Prensaestopas debe ser aproximadamente de 35 kPa por encima de la presión de descarga de la bomba La presión del agua para el Prensaestopas generalmente no debe ser mayor a 200 kPa por encima...

Страница 30: ...mente el acoplamiento del eje según sea el caso ESTO ES IMPORTANTE Inicie el motor revise la rotación y corríjala si es necesario para realizar la rotación del eje de la bomba según la flecha en la carcasa de la bomba Reinstale las correas en V o reconecte el acoplamiento del eje Cuando tensione las correas mantenga el alineamiento del eje y revise la tensión de la correa ADVERTENCIA LA ROTACIÓN E...

Страница 31: ...opas Si esto no resulta y el prensaestopas continua calentándose se debe detener la bomba y permitir que el prensaestopas se enfríe Las tuercas del prensaestopas no deben ser aflojadas hasta el punto en que el seguidor del prensaestopas pueda desconectarse del prensaestopas ADVERTENCIA CUALQUIER AJUSTE AL PRENSAESTOPA SÓLO DEBE SER REALIZADO MIENTRAS LA BOMBA ESTÁ DETENIDA PARA EVITAR LESIONES POT...

Страница 32: ... obstruida Una inspección al prensaestopas inmediatamente revelará si están ocurriendo las fallas arriba mencionadas y una acción correctiva es evidente Fallas de Funcionamiento Consultar con el CUADRO PARA ENCONTRAR FALLAS al reverso de este Suplemento para determinar la causa más probable de cualquier problema Algunas de las fallas principales que pueden ocurrir están detalladas a continuación U...

Страница 33: ...ciones en la bomba también ocurrirán debido a los efectos fuera de balance ADVERTENCIA ANTES DE APLICAR TORQUE MANUAL AL EJE DE LA BOMBA ASEGÚRESE QUE LAS LÍNEAS DE SUCCIÓN Y DESCARGA ESTÁN AISLADAS Y QUE EL MOTOR ESTÁ DESCONECTADO Tubería de Descarga Obstruida La obstrucción de la tubería de descarga puede ser causada por una concentración anormalmente alta de partículas gruesas en el tubo de des...

Страница 34: ...isminuya El agua de sellado de prensaestopas debe estar tan limpia como sea posible ya que inclusive cantidades pequeñas de sólidos pueden rápidamente desgastar los componentes del prensaestopas Consulte las recomendaciones de calidad de agua de prensaestopas en los Manuales de mantenimiento de Prensaestopas correspondientes Los requerimientos para operación de prensaestopas en la primera etapa de...

Страница 35: ...s tuercas en los pernos prensaestopas deben ser aflojados y dejar apretado sólo con los dedos hasta que la bomba sea iniciada Después de la puesta en marcha las prensaestopas pueden ser ajustadas hasta que la filtración esté en el índice de flujo requerido Estas prensaestopas están diseñadas para lubricación por agua y algo de filtración es necesario durante el funcionamiento para lubricar y enfri...

Страница 36: ...l impulsor Si se encuentra un lugar donde los pernos se aflojan continuamente entonces de deberán instalar tuercas Nylock u otros dispositivos adecuados Purga de la Grasa del Laberinto Para mejorar las propiedades de sellado de los laberintos en las cubiertas de algunos tipos de porta rodamientos Warman se usa el purgado de la grasa para purgar sustancias abrasivas y humedad Menos contaminantes in...

Страница 37: ...tos sólo deben ser reacondicionados en un taller preferentemente en un área separada específicamente para este trabajo Un ambiente limpio es crucial Desarmado de bomba Aísle la bomba del sistema y lave lo más que pueda Retire los ítems de la transmisión según sea necesario después de ver el alineamiento de la transmisión El desmontaje puede hacerse en el sitio si hay disponibles instalaciones de l...

Страница 38: ... desarme el porta rodamiento de una bomba e inspecciones la condición y disposición de la grasa c Con la inspección evalúe si se necesita grasa adicional en este intervalo y si no se necesita grasa adicional evalúe si la segunda bomba puede funcionar con seguridad el doble de horas establecidas sin ser engrasada d Repitiendo este procedimiento en el resto de bombas en turno el intervalo máximo de ...

Страница 39: ...entificados con etiquetas adecuadas de tal manera que si son re usados pueden ser reemplazados en la misma posición en el montaje con sus partes idénticas Si una parte del rodamiento necesita reemplazo entonces el rodamiento debe ser reemplazado en su totalidad Las partes gastadas no deben mezclarse con las partes nuevas Se puede instalar un rodamiento completo nuevo en un extremo del porta rodami...

Страница 40: ...ndicionado Cuando las bombas han sido desarmadas para un mantenimiento y reacondicionado completo todas las partes deben ser inspeccionadas con cuidado y las nuevas partes revisadas para su correcta identificación Las partes usadas que se reemplazan deben ser completamente limpiadas y pintadas Las superficies de contacto deben estar libres de óxido suciedad y rebabas asperezas y se le debe pasar u...

Страница 41: ...con una lona en lugar de plástico para que el aire pueda circular Es mejor cubrir las bridas Retire las abrazaderas de transporte y afloje el prensaestopas para liberar presión en el empaque Gire el eje de la bomba un cuarto de vuelta manualmente una vez por semana De esta manera todos los rodillos de los rodamientos están soportando aleatoriamente cargas estáticas y vibraciones externas Asegúrese...

Страница 42: ...Instrucciones Generales para Todas la Bombas 07 Enero doc TAMAÑO DE MÁXIMO TAMAÑO DE MÁXIMO CARCASA TORQUE CARCASA TORQUE Nm Nm A 20 B 30 N 40 C 45 P 45 D 45 Q 45 E 185 R 185 F 185 S 185 G 325 T 525 H 1500 U 1500 Tabla 1 Par Presión del Perno de la Abrazadera del Porta Rodamientos ...

Страница 43: ... en parte Desalineamiento Cimientos no rígidos Eje doblado Parte rotativa rozando la parte estacionaria Rodamientos gastados Impulsor dañado o gastado Carcasa de juntas defectuosa permitiendo filtración interna Eje o camisa de eje gastado o rayado en el empaque Empaquetadura instalada inadecuadamente Tipo incorrecto de empaquetadura para condiciones de funcionamiento Eje descentrado por rodamiento...

Страница 44: ...yright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Pag 29 de 34 Weir Minerals M01 Instrucciones Generales para Todas la Bombas 07 Enero doc Placas Base Warman Dibujo A3 100 0 19810 Procedimiento Sugerido para Alineamiento y Cimiento ...

Страница 45: ...23 01 2007 Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Pag 30 de 34 Weir Minerals M01 Instrucciones Generales para Todas la Bombas 07 Enero doc Brida Coincidente Deslizante Warman Dibujo A4 111 1 121595 ...

Страница 46: ...cie Con la presión correcta GSW e Índice de flujo Flujo muy bajo desde el Presión muy alta causa Pare enfríe re empaque y reinicie prensaestopas en el peor extrusión de empaque y con presión GSW correcta y flujo de los casos hay restricción de flujo Prensaestopas suelta vapor saliendo del prensaestopas Prensaestopas muy apretada Revisar tipo de empaque Empaque muy suave para presión alta Use anill...

Страница 47: ...RS EE 0 15 0 30 2 0 26 S ST FF 0 15 0 31 2 0 31 T TU GG 0 17 0 35 2 0 35 H 0 17 0 37 2 0 37 U 0 20 0 39 2 0 39 1 La mitad de estos valores para eje sin la camisa de eje 2 Flowserve Durametallic sello 0 25 mm Aplicación 1 Todas la bombas Warman hasta la máxima velocidad normal 2 Bombas de una sola etapa 3 Bombas nuevas y antiguas las dimensiones a ser revisadas y reguladas para estar dentro de las ...

Страница 48: ...iento o Reducir variaciones en temperatura sobre índice de sello condiciones de funcionamiento Desgaste de cuerpo de sello Cambiar a material de superficie Falla de los pernos de arrastre de superficies de sello más duro Superficie de sello gastadas Precaución 1 Los sellos mecánicos requieren un ambiente controlado y estable para asegurar una operación larga y confiable 2 También se debe respetar ...

Страница 49: ...23 01 2007 Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Pag 34 de 34 Weir Minerals M01 Instrucciones Generales para Todas la Bombas 07 Enero doc ...

Страница 50: ...PARA CIRCUITO DE MOLIENDA MODELO MCR TAMAÑOS 400 750 CON PORTAS M Ron Bourgeois Mike Viken Gerente de Desarrollo de Productos Diseñador Sénior Weir Minerals North America 2010 Weir Minerals North America es el titular de los Derechos de Autor de este documento El presente documento y el texto imágenes diagramas datos e información contenidos en el mismo no deben ser copiados ni reproducidos total ...

Страница 51: ...650 Instalación del Disco Prensa y del Revestimiento Prensa Figura 5 10 Conexión de la Carcasa Prensa a la Campana Adaptadora Figura 6 11 Tamaño 750 Instalación del Disco Prensa y del Revestimiento Prensa Figura 7 12 Conexión de la Ventana Prensa a la Carcasa Prensa Figura 8 13 Conexión de la Carcasa Prensa a la Campana Adaptadora Figura 9 14 Para todos los tamaños 400 a 750 Conexión del Impulsor ...

Страница 52: ...e explosivas ATEX Según correspondiera las directivas y todas las aprobaciones adicionales cubren aspectos importantes de seguridad relacionados con maquinaria y equipos y con la entrega satisfactoria de documentos técnicos e instrucciones de seguridad En las secciones respectivas el presente documento incluye información relevante a dichas directivas y aprobaciones Para confirmar el número de apr...

Страница 53: ...ucto y su uso permitido Es importante operar el producto siguiendo estas instrucciones para asegurar su correcto funcionamiento y evitar riesgos Las instrucciones pueden omitir información sobre reglamentos locales Asegúrese de que los mismos sean cumplidos por todos incluso por quienes instalen el producto Siempre coordine las reparaciones con el personal de operaciones cumpla con todos los requi...

Страница 54: ...diente Siempre coordine las reparaciones con el personal de operaciones salud y seguridad y cumpla con todos los requisitos de seguridad en la planta y con las leyes y normas de seguridad y salud pertinentes Medidas de seguridad Este es un resumen de las condiciones y medidas para evitar lesiones personales y daños a equipos y al ambiente WEIR MINERALS CONSIDERA NECESARIO INFORMAR EL RIESGO POTENC...

Страница 55: ...s de sello no deberán ser retirados o abiertos durante el funcionamiento de la bomba NO OPERE LA BOMBA si se han asentado sólidos y no se puede hacer girar a mano el elemento rotativo SHOCK TÉRMICO No haga ingresar líquido muy caliente a una bomba fría o líquido muy frío a una bomba caliente Un shock térmico puede provocar daños en los componentes internos y quebrar la cubierta de la bomba SE DEBE...

Страница 56: ...tadas para evitar daños a las eslingas o lesiones personales Se deberán usar dispositivos de izado de la capacidad necesaria siempre que sean necesarios Se aplicarán medidas de trabajo seguro durante el ensamblaje y mantenimiento El personal nunca debe trabajar debajo de cargas suspendidas NO APLIQUE CALOR EN LAS CARAS DE LOS COMPENENTES DE ALTO CROMO Esto puede provocar grietas tensiones residual...

Страница 57: ...cionados por Warman M1 Instrucciones Generales aplicables a TODO TIPO de Bombas Warman NOTA La grasa recomendada para los ensamblajes lubricados con grasa es Mobil SHC220 o equivalente Este lubricante permite un funcionamiento a mayor temperatura con menos posibilidades de pérdida de viscosidad Este suplemento contiene instrucciones ilustradas paso a paso para el ensamblaje completo y adecuado de ...

Страница 58: ...nillo de Liberación esté en su lugar tal como se muestra en la Figura 1 Aplique antiaferrante a la superficie del Eje esparciéndolo desde la Cubierta del Anillo de Liberación y deslice la Camisa de eje 076 en el Eje con el extremo cónico primero hasta que se deslice a través del O ring de la Cubierta del Anillo de Liberación y descanse en las cuñas NOTA Asegúrese de que la Camisa de Eje esté insta...

Страница 59: ... Retire toda la pintura que pudiera estar presente en estas superficies mecanizadas Aplique el lubricante antia ferrante necesario sobre la rosca del eje para prevenir daños por humedad en el eje 3 Al alinear los agujeros de montaje en la Campana Adaptadora con los agujeros en la Carcasa del Porta inserte ocho 8 Pernos para Adaptador y Carcasa del Porta tal como se muestra en la Figura 2 y ajuste ...

Страница 60: ...l extremo de la Camisa de Eje 076 2 Instale el Anillo Restricción 118 encima de la Camisa de Eje como se muestra en la Figura 3 Detalle A IMPORTANTE Instale el Anillo Restricción con los agujeros de descarga radiales mirando al rodamiento y deslícelo tan lejos del eje como sea posible NOTA Los modelos más grandes tendrán dos 2 O ring en el diámetro externo del Anillo Restricción para ayudar al cen...

Страница 61: ...Continúe acercando las dos mitades con cuidado alineando los pernos de tope con los agujeros correspondientes en la otra mitad Instale una arandela y una tuerca en los pernos y ajuste a 120 N m 90 ft lbs Baje la Caja de Estopas ensamblada al suelo 2 Usando una sola grúa y dos puntos de carga deslice la Caja de Estopas 078 en la Camisa de Eje y deslícela de regreso hasta que el Anillo Restricción e...

Страница 62: ...Carcasa Prensa 032 como se muestra en la Figura 5 Detalle A y bájela sobre el DP cuidándose en alinear los espárragos con los agujeros no roscados en la Carcasa Prensa Instale una arandela y una tuerca en los Espárragos del Disco Prensa y ajuste a la torsión especificada en la Tabla 2 3 Coloque el Revestimiento Prensa 043 con la concavidad boca abajo como se muestra en la Figura 5 Detalle B TIP Us...

Страница 63: ...5 ft lbs 2 Instale los Espárragos de la Campana en la Carcasa Prensa y ajuste completamente NOTA El modelo 650 tiene un diseño hexagonal al final del espárrago para el ensamblaje Mueva lentamente la Carcasa Prensa hacia la base cuidándose de alinear los espárragos con los agujeros en el Campana Adaptadora Asegúrese de que el marco en la Carcasa Prensa haya encajado con el marco en la campana Insta...

Страница 64: ...dose en alinear los espárragos con los agujeros no roscados en la Ventana Prensa Instale una arandela y una tuerca en los espárragos de fijación y ajuste a 1000 N m 750 ft lbs Deje las cáncamos en la Ventana Prensa por ahora IMPORTANTE Instale 9 Pasadores de Posicionamiento para revestimiento 374 en la Carcasa Prensa 032 y en la Carcasa Succión 013 como se muestra en el Detalle C 3 Coloque la conc...

Страница 65: ... y ajuste a 35 N m 25 ft lbs 2 NOTA Las 2 orejas de izado deberán estar en posición de 12 en punto dependiendo de la orientación de descarga requerida La orientación vertical de descarga se muestra en la Figura 8 Esto es necesario para el procedimiento de cambio rápido descrito en MDS17 Levante y baje la Ventana Prensa sobre la Carcasa Prensa IMPORTANTE Asegúrese de que las Tuercas de los Espárrag...

Страница 66: ... extremo de los Espárragos de la Carcasa Prensa 039 enrosque los espárragos en los agujeros roscados de la Ventana Prensa M240MC75032 y ajuste completamente 2 Mueva lentamente el sub conjunto de la Carcasa Prensa hacia el Campana Adaptadora 380 cuidándose de alinear los espárragos con los agujeros del adaptador Asegúrese de que el piloto en la Ventana Prensa haya encajado con el piloto en el Campa...

Страница 67: ...rca de ajuste NOTA El torque máximo en el ajuste de la tuerca es 70 N m 50 ft lbs Usando el punto de carga mostrado en la Figura 10 levante el Impulsor a una posición vertical y aplique lubricante antiaferrante a las roscas NOTA Asegúrese de que el O ring del Impulsor esté instalado y en su lugar tal como se muestra en la Página 11 Figura 3 antes de proceder 3 Alinee el centro del mango del Impuls...

Страница 68: ...s agujeros no roscados en la Ventana Succión Instale una arandela y una tuerca en los espárragos de fijación del Disco Succión y ajuste a la torsión indicada en la tabla 4 de la Página 18 Deje las horquillas colocadas en la Ventana Succión por ahora IMPORTANTE sólo 750 Asegúrese de que los Pasadores de Localización del Revestimiento hayan sido instalados en la Carcasa Succión 013 como se muestra e...

Страница 69: ...e la Carcasa Succión IMPORTANTE Asegúrese de que las Tuercas de los Espárragos del Revestimiento estén dentro de los 8 agujeros libres de la Ventana Succión Instale una arandela y una tuerca en los Espárragos de la Ventana Succión y ajuste a la torsión indicada en la Tabla 7 Ahora puede retirar las horquillas de la Ventana Succión 3 Aplique una capa de jabón líquido o equivalente alrededor de los ...

Страница 70: ...s Espárragos de la Carcasa Succión 015 3 Usando dos puntos de carga levante el subconjunto de la Carcasa Succión a una posición vertical según lo mostrado Mueva lenta y cuidadosamente la Carcasa Succión hacia la Carcasa Prensa alineando los Pasadores de Alineamiento de la Cubierta con los agujeros correspondientes en la Carcasa Succión 4 NOTA Ensamble las Tuercas Anti rotación en los Espárragos de...

Страница 71: Continúe ajustando los Pernos de empujado hasta que el Impulsor toque apenas el Disco Succión NOTA Aún debería ser posible girar completamente el Impulsor a mano cuando toque el Disco Succión No ajuste el Disco Succión más hacia el Impulsor Verifique el espacio libre con medidores de espesor para comprobar que el espacio sea uniforme 3 Separe cada uno de los Pernos de Empujado un cuarto de vuel...

Страница 72: ... de Estopas y ajuste a mano NOTA Podría ser necesario tener que levantar un poco la caja de estopas para alinear los agujeros Deslice el Anillo Restricción 118 al fondo del orificio de la Caja de Estopas 2 Coloque la Herramienta de Centrado de la Caja de Estopas 331 sobre la Camisa de Eje 076 y deslice la herramienta en el orificio de la Caja de estopas como se muestra en la figura 15 NOTA Los tre...

Страница 73: ... Estopas 078 NOTA Instale las empaquetaduras con los puntos rojos pegados al eje o fuera del mismo como se muestra en el Detalle A 2 Repita el paso 1 con 3 Anillos de Empaque adicionales NOTA El empaque escalonado cubre 180 grados 3 Ensamble el Prensaestopas de dos piezas 044 alrededor de la Camisa de Eje Instale los Pernos del Prensaestopas y ajuste solamente hasta asegurar que los Anillos de Emp...

Страница 74: ...013 Carcasa Succión 018 Revestimiento Succión 032 Carcasa Prensa 041 Disco Prensa 043 Revestimiento Prensa 044 Prensaestopas 045 Perno del Prensaestopas 060 Junta Succión 070 Chaveta 073 Eje 076 Camisa de Eje 078 Caja de Estopas 083 Disco Succión 109 O ring de la Camisa de eje 111 Empaquetadura 118 Anillo Restricción 132 Junta de Descarga 145 Impulsor 4 Aletas Cerrado 147 Impulsor 5 Aletas Cerrado...

Страница 75: ...ñador sénior Weir Minerals North America 2009 Weir Minerals North America es el propietario de los Derechos de Autor en este documento Prohibida la copia o reproducción total o parcial de dicho documento la información contenida en el mismo así como de sus textos imágenes diagramas datos e sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de Weir Minerals North America Oficina de origen Weir Minerals North...

Страница 76: ...a lata esté limpio Evitar el uso de paletas de madera Utilizar una cuchilla o una espátula de acero que pueda limpiarse de manera suave y limpia 3 En casos en los que se utilice una pistola de engrase para inyectar la grasa en la cámara de soporte tener el mismo cuidado en relación con la limpieza de la pistola especialmente en las partes como la boquilla y el engrasador 4 Podrán revisarse las can...

Страница 77: ...iludos ADECUACIÓN DE RODAMIENTO DE RODILLO CÓNICO Y CILINDRICO EN RODADURA INTERNA PARA EJES DE TAMAÑOS M100 AL M200 1 Colocar el rodamiento de rodillo cónico en el calentador por inducción y calentar hasta llegar a los 250 F 121 C 2 Aplicar una capa delgada de aceite a los rodamientos de apoyo en el Eje 073 RH 254 LH Con el eje en posición horizontal el rodamiento que ha sido calentado podrá colo...

Страница 78: ...damiento Ajustar el aro del rodamiento hasta que esté sentado firmemente y uno de los tabuladores de las placas de cierre del aro del rodamiento 506 puedan insertarse en el chivetero y los dos orificios alineados con los orificios cónicos en la tuerca del rodamiento Insertar dos tornillos con hembra hexagonal y ajustar como se muestra en la Figura 1 3 Detalle A NOTA las placas de cierre del aro de...

Страница 79: ...del eje Deslizar rápidamente el cono en el eje hasta que se siente en contra del apoyo del retenedor de grasa b Después colocar el separador del cono en el eje y deslizarlo hasta que haga contacto con el cono No es necesario calentar el separador debido a que se resbala y encaja fácilmente en el eje c A continuación colocar la copa en el eje y deslizarla hasta que se siente en el cono d Colocar el...

Страница 80: ...amiento para alinear la espiga o la placa de cierre Siempre continúe ajustando las tuercas hasta lograr el alineamiento de la espiga o la placa de cierre 6 Ensamblar el retenedor de grasa del lado del impulsor 046 NOTA El diámetro largo del reborde va primero en el eje y deberá ir en dirección del lado del impulsor del eje como se muestra en la Figura 1 4 7 Colocar la rodadura interna del rodamien...

Страница 81: ...odillo cilindrico y el Rodillo con grasa Ver Cantidad de Grasa Incial en Tabla 1 en página 6 4 Empaquetar la tapa lateral de la junta tórica y la tapa lateral 023 en lado del impulsor de la carcasa del rodamiento con ocho tornillos hexagonales de la tapa lateral Ajustar los tornillos utilizando un método cruzado a los valores mostrados en el cuadro 1 Figura 1 5 para un tamaño específico del rodami...

Страница 82: ...eral 024 en el lado de accionamiento de la carcasa del rodamiento con ocho tornillos de la tapa lateral Ajustar los tornillos utilizando el método cruzado a los valores mostrados en el cuadro 2 Figura 1 5 para un tamaño específico del mecanismo del rodamiento 4 Dependiendo del tamaño del mecanismo del rodamiento instalar el Aislador del rodamiento 482D en la tapa lateral 024 orientada como se mues...

Страница 83: ...del collar de liberación en contra del retenedor Asegurarse que la cara cónica del set de cuña del collar de liberación encaje con la cara cónica del retenedor 7 Instalar la tapa de la junta tórica del collar de liberación en la tapa del collar de liberación 8 Asegurarse que el tornillo de fijación en la tapa del collar de liberación se siente sobre cada cuña de forma equitativa Esto asegurará de ...


Страница 85: ...po de falla en la liberación gradual de los tornillos del set podría ocasionar daño a los segmentos de la cuña del collar de liberación Si el primer tornillo del set se afloja en la segunda pasada esto indica que los segmentos NO HAN sido liberados Para liberar los segmentos retirar el tornillo del set que está aflojado y reemplazar con un tornillo totalmente roscado colocando el dedo de manera aj...

Страница 86: ...46 Retenedor de grasa lado del impulsor 046D Retenedor de grasa lado del impulsor 070 Llave del eje 073 Eje 076 Manga del eje 090 Tuerca del rodamiento 184 Retenedor 239 Collar de liberación del impulsador 239A Set de cuña del collar de liberación 239B Tapa del collar de liberación 482 Aislador del rodamiento 482D Aislador del rodamiento 506 Arandela con lengüeta del rodamiento 07 de febrero de 20...

Страница 87: ...AJE Y MANTENIMIENTO SUPLEMENTO M9 SELLO DE PRENSA ESTOPA Warman International Ltd es el titular de los Derechos de Autor existentes en este Manual El Manual no puede ser reproducido o copiado completa parcialmente de ninguna forma o por ningún medio sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de Warman International Ltd ...

Страница 88: ...NSTANCIAS QUE PUEDAN HACER QUE EL LÍQUIDO DE BOMBEO SE VAPORICE Las lesiones personales y daños a equipos pueden ser causados por la presión creada NO APLIQUE CALOR SOBRE LA BOCA O LA NARIZ DEL IMPULSOR con el fin de aflojar la rosca del impulsor antes de retirarlo Se podrían originar lesiones personales o daños a los equipos por la rotura o explosión del impulsor cuando se aplica calor NO HAGA IN...

Страница 89: ...NIO DE 1998 La alimentación al motor eléctrico debe estar aislada y etiquetada Deberá probarse que las abertiras de entrada y descarga están completamente aisladas de toda conexión potencialmente presurizada y que sólo están y pueden estar expuestas a presión atmosférica ...


Страница 91: ... de Restricción en el lado de la bomba pasta del prensa estopa El agua del prensa estopa se inyecta en el Anillo de Restricción El Tipo 1 usa un Anillo de Restricción Metálico y requiere un caudal alto en el agua del prensa estopa Es adecuado tanto para aplicaciones de pequeña elevación y cabeza positiva El Tipo 2 se diferencia del Tipo 1 en que utiliza un Anillo de Restricción No Metálico El espa...

Страница 92: ...paquetadura como un anillo REQUISITOS DE FLUJO DE AGUA Y PRESIÓN PARA SELLO DE PRENSA ESTOPA El agua del prensa estopa debe ser suministrada a una presión y caudal correctos para alargar la vida útil de la empaquetadura y la camisa Una presión adecuada es el requisito más importante para obtener una vida útil satisfactoria para el prensa estopa El caudal es el segundo requisito más importante El c...

Страница 93: ...17 El Anillo es de metal C23 Ryton P50 o PTFE P05 Notas El anillo de restricción metálico puede ser usado cuando se pueda tolerar un caudal de GSW mayor y cuando la tarea de la bomba requiera un caudal de GSW alto por ejemplo en la descarga del molino Con la antigüedad y deterioro de una prensa estopa de la bomba el caudal de GSW puede llegar a ser hasta tres veces 3x superior al mencionado anteri...

Страница 94: ...a la contaminación de la empaquetadura por la pasta bombeada Una vez que los sólidos entran en la empaquetadura no pueden ser removidos con agua y se debe cambiar la empaquetadura La presión de agua en el sello debe ser de 35 70 kPa sobre la presión de descarga de la bomba Una presión escesiva sólo resultará en un mayor desgaste de la empaquetadura y la camisa de eje b Flujo Inadecuado Así como co...

Страница 95: ...or del prensa estopa Una presión muy alta causa extrusión de la empaquetadura y restricción del flujo Prensa estopa demasiado ajustado Empaquetadura muy blanda para alta presión Detener enfriar reempaquetar y reiniciar con la presión y flujo correctos de GSW Desajustar prensa estopa Revisar el tipo de empaquetadura Usar el anillo de retención de la empaquetadura Reducir la presión del GSW El GSW f...

Страница 96: ...las instrucciones de sellado incluidas en el Suplemento M1 de Warman REQUISITOS DE CALIDAD DEL AGUA DE PRENSA ESTOPA El agua usada para el sello de prensa estopa debe estar limpia y tener por lo general las siguientes propiedades No cumplir con estas condiciones provocará que se gaste más tiempo y esfuerzos en el mantenimiento del prensa estopa Muchos de los problemas de los sellos de prensa estop...


Страница 98: ... en las instrucciones No se puede copiar ni la totalidad del documento ni una parte del mismo en ninguna forma o por cualquier forma sin el previo consentimiento por escrito de Weir Slurry Group Inc Oficina de origen Weir Minerals North America Referencia Instrucciones de operación OP MCR MCU Fecha 05 01 2007 Última emisión Revisión G Bombas Centrífugas para Pulpas Av Separadora Industrial Tel 51 ...


Страница 100: ...manejo de las partes gastadas para prevenir daños a la eslinga o lesiones personales 12 Para la seguridad de la operación personal por favor note que la información proporcionada en el presente manual aplica para los accesorios de las partes auténticas de Warman y rodamientos Warman recomendados a las bombas Warman En modelos de bombas más grandes equipadas con tuercas anti rotación y espárragos d...


Страница 102: ...BA1 BA3 y BA6 y se permite para operaciones de temperaturas más altas con poca posibilidad de falla de viscosidad NOTA Las bombas MCR y MCU con tamaños 150 a 650 pueden equiparse con portas M de baja altura mantenimiento que se cubre por instrucciones separadas Véase los planos provistos para su bomba INSPECCIÓN Su bomba se ha ensamblado con cuidado y se ha inspeccionado antes del envío para asegu...

Страница 103: ...e aire apropiada 9 Antes del arranque inspeccione las empaquetaduras para asegurar que se encuentra en buen estado 10 Mantenga la documentación escrita de la purga del laberinto y los intervalos de rotación del eje para que estén disponibles para Weir Minerals si se solicitan PROCEDIMIENTOS DE ALMACENAJE A LARGO PLAZO Para Períodos Más Largos de 18 Meses pero Menos de 36 Meses BOMBAS 1 Se requiere...

Страница 104: ...dos La lubricación con grasa o con aceite es opcional INSTALACIÓN TUBERÍA DE SUCCIÓN El servicio de la bomba requiere el retiro de la tubería de succión adyacente Esta tubería debe designarse para que se pueda retirar y reemplazar de manera fácil En una operación de bomba con altura de aspiración o una presión de succión baja es muy importante que la línea de succión se encuentre hermética y libre...

Страница 105: ...ada como se muestra en la FIGURA 1 Véase el dibujo de ensamblaje de la bomba para la secuencia apropiada del empaque y el anillo de cierre El empaque debe estar sujetado de manera tal que haya una corriente pequeña de descarga de agua del prensa estopa Este derrame indica que la suficiente cantidad de líquido pasa entre la camisa de eje y el empaquetaduras para proporcionar lubricación y prevenir ...

Страница 106: ... LUBRICACIÓN DEL RODAMIENTO Las instrucciones para porta rodamientos de servicio pesada Warman se encuentran en el suplemento BA1 del manual que debe leerse junto con el Suplemento del Manual de Instrucción de Mantenimiento y Ensamblaje para la Bomba de Circuito de Molienda Las instrucciones específicas para los porta rodamientos lubricados con aceite identificados con un sufijo Y del número de la...

Страница 107: ...bomba se encuentra en altura de aspiración ejecute el procedimiento de cebado para los servicios proporcionados Cuando se cebe la bomba aislé los servicios principales si hubiesen 6 Abra la válvula de descarga Verifique la entrada y las presiones de descarga si se han proporcionado indicadores Verifique el flujo mediante la inspección de metros o mediante la descarga de la tubería 7 Verifique el d...

Страница 108: ...SE DAÑARÁN POR EL CALOR EXCESIVO Si el casquillo del prensa estopa toca asentado en contra la carcasa de la caja del prensa estopa apague la bomba afloje las tuercas que sostienen el casquillo del prensa estopa y aléjelo de la caja del prensa estopa Luego instale un anillo de empaquetaduras y vuelva a asentar el casquillo del prensa estopa Si no se experimentó ni el excesivo flujo de descarga ni n...

Страница 109: ...imero la línea de succión el cárter el impulsor y la caja usualmente también se conecta Sin embargo si el cárter o la línea de succión se conecta primero el impulsor la carcasa y la línea de descarga normalmente permanecerá libre de conexión APLICACIONES DE LA ALTURA DE ASPIRACIÓN Aspiradora Bomba no preparada Si el tanque preparado está usándose verificar los cálculos del tamaño del tanque Asegúr...

Страница 110: ...descarga que se posiciona y los cálculos de flujo Muy baja velocidad de la bomba Aire o gases en el líquido espuma Impulsor dañado o gastado Desensamble e inspeccione ROTURA DEL EJE Dirección equivocada de rotación Esto destornillará el impulsor y causará un daño mecánico interno Arranque la bomba con el impulsor y la caja conectada Cuando una bomba se detiene y el líquido fluye la descarga transp...

Страница 111: ...ada X X X D Bomba no preparada X E Sistema principal más alto que el estándar X X F Impulsor desgastado o dañado X X X X G Impulsor conectado X X X X X X X H Impulsor no balanceado X X X I Muy baja velocidad de la bomba X X X J Muy alta velocidad de la bomba X X X K Aire o gas atrapado en la pulpa X X L Pulpa SG más alto que lo especificado X M Viscosidad de la pulpa más alta que lo especificado X...

Страница 112: ...atin America Vulco Perú S A Excellent Minerals Solutions Manual de Operaciones y Mantenimiento Anexo Anex Av Separadora Industrial 2201 Ate Lima Perú T 51 1 6187575 E ventas weirminerals com pe W www weirminerals com ...

Страница 113: ...atin America Vulco Perú S A Excellent Minerals Solutions Manual de Operaciones y Mantenimiento Motor Motor Av Separadora Industrial 2201 Ate Lima Perú T 51 1 6187575 E ventas weirminerals com pe W www weirminerals com ...

Страница 114: ...nds to assist those who deal with electric machines facilitating their task to preserve the most important item of the unit THE ELECTRIC MOTOR WEG TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 03 2 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 1 03 2 1 General Instructions 1 03 2 2 Delivery 1 03 2 3 Storage 1 03 3 INSTALLATION 1 04 3 1 Mechanical Aspects 1 04 3 1 1 Foundation 1 04 3 1 2 Types of bases 1 04 3 1 3 Alignment 1 04 3 1 4 C...

Страница 115: ...sion by contact motors should not be stored near machines which cause vibrations and their shaft should be rotated manually at least once a month Recommendations for Storage of Bearings Ambient must be dry with relative humidity not exceeding 60 Clean room with temperature ranging from 10ºC to 30ºC Maximum stacking of 5 boxes Far from chemical products and tubes conducting steams water and compres...

Страница 116: ... installation or of the floor capacity in the case of buildings When designing the motor base keep in mind that the motor may ocasionally be run at a torque above that of the rated full load torque Based upon Figure 3 1 foundation stresses can be calculated by using the following formula F1 0 5 g G 4 Tmax A F2 0 5 g G 4 Tmax A Fig 3 1 Base Stresses Where F1 and F2 Lateral Stress N g Gravity Force ...

Страница 117: ...ouplings are the cause of jerking motions which cause vibrations on the actual drive and on the motor Therefore due care must be taken for perfect shaft alignment exactly parallel in the case of straight gears and at the correct angle for bevel or helical gears Perfect gear engagement can be checked by the insertion of a strip of paper on which the teeth marks will be traced after a single rotatio...

Страница 118: ... required number of leads to allow connection on both voltages that is 220 380V 380 660V or 440 760V These motors should have at least 6 connecting leads The starting has to be made at no load The star delta starting can be used when the motor torque curve is sufficiently high to guarantee acceleration of the load at reduced voltage At star connection current is reduced to 25 to 30 of the starting...

Страница 119: ...of single phase motors On these applications the thermostat can be series connected with the motor power supply as long as the motor current does not exceed the maximum acceptable current of the thermostat If this occurs connect the thermostat in series with the contactor coil Thermostats are installed in the coil heads of different phases THERMISTORS PTC and NTC These are semi conductor heat dete...

Страница 120: ... the normal sequence of starting operations listed in the control instructions for the initial start up 3 3 3 OPERATION Drive the motor coupled to the load for a period of at least one hour while watching for abnormal noises or signs of overheating Compare the line current with the value shown on the nameplate Under continuous running conditions without load fluctuations this should not exceed the...

Страница 121: deteriorate in the course of time and mechanical operation and furthermore all lubricants are subject to contamination under working conditions For this reason lubricants must be renewed and any lubricant consumed needs replacing from time to time 4 2 1 LUBRICATION INTERVALS To apply correct amount of grease is an important aspect for a good lubrication Relubrication must be made based on the r...

Страница 122: ...aring should be applied to the inner ring Protect all machined parts against oxidation by applying a coating of vaseline or oil immediately after cleaning STRIPPING OF WINDINGS This step requires great care to avoid knocking and or denting of enclosure joints and when removing the sealing compound from the terminal box damage or cracking of the frame IMPREGNATION Protect all frame threads by using...

Страница 123: ...fied Voltage above that specified Frequency below that specified Wrong internal connection Rotor out of center Rotor rubbing on the stator Defective bearing Endbells fitted under pressure or badly fitted Steel magnetic lamination without treatment Run capacitor out of that specified Stationary centrifugal switch do not open HIGH CURRENT UNDER LOAD Voltage out of the rated voltage Overload Frequenc...

Страница 124: ...or Wrong connections Unbalanced rotor Bearing housing with excessive clearance Rotor rubbing on the stator Bent shaft Stator laminations loose Use of fractional groups on run capacitor single phase winding SERVICE Leaving the factory in perfect conditions is not enough for the electric motor Although the high quality standard assured by Weg for several years of operation there will be a day when t...

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Страница 134: ...n America Vulco Perú S A Excellent Minerals Solutions Manual de Operaciones y Mantenimiento Reductor Gear Box Av Separadora Industrial 2201 Ate Lima Perú T 51 1 6187575 E ventas weirminerals com pe W www weirminerals com ...

Страница 135: ...Code Besteller Siemens S A C Peru Customer Flender Auftrags Nr 452 9552 Flender order no Betriebsanleitung A Friedr Flender AG D 46393 Bocholt Tel 02871 92 0 Telefax 02871 92 2596 http www flender com Operating instructions ...

Страница 136: ...B FH B HM B DM B KM B FM T SH T HH T KH T DH T FH Sizes 1 to 22 H FH H HH H DH H KH H PH B FH T FH B HH B DH B KH T HH T DK T KH H FM B FM H HM H DM H KM B HM B DM B KM H SH H VH H PH B SH B VH T SH A Friedr Flender AG D 46393 Bocholt Tel 02871 92 0 Telefax 02871 92 2596 www flender com Translation of the original assembly and operating instructions ...

Страница 137: ... observed NOTE The information indicated by this symbol must be treated as general operating information Earth connection point Air relief point yellow Oil filling point yellow Oil drain point white Oil level red Oil level red Lubrication point red Apply grease Lifting eye Eye bolt Do not Connection for unscrew vibration monitoring device Alignment surfaces Horizontal Vertical These symbols indica...

Страница 138: 16 4 3 Storing the gear unit 18 4 4 Standard coating and preservation 19 4 4 1 Interior preservation with preservative agent 20 4 4 2 Exterior preservation 20 5 Technical description 21 5 1 General description 21 5 2 Output designs 22 5 3 Housing 22 5 4 Toothed components 26 5 5 Lubrication 26 5 5 1 Splash lubrication 26 5 5 2 Pressure lubrication through add on oil supply system 26 5 6 Shaf...

Страница 139: ...ounting gear unit with hollow shaft and shrink disk 57 6 6 1 Fitting 57 6 6 1 1 Fitting with integrated DU bush 58 6 6 1 2 Fitting with loose DU bush 58 6 6 1 3 Axial fastening 58 6 7 Shrink disk 59 6 7 1 Fitting the shrink disk 59 6 7 2 Demounting the shrink disk 61 6 7 3 Cleaning and greasing the shrink disk 61 6 7 4 Re mounting the shrink disk 62 6 7 5 Inspection of the shrink disk 62 6 8 Coupl...

Страница 140: ... 2 Oil level 79 8 3 Irregularities 79 9 Faults causes and remedy 80 9 1 General information on faults and malfunctions 80 9 2 Possible faults 80 10 Maintenance and repair 82 10 1 General notes on maintenance 82 10 1 1 General oil service lives 83 10 2 Description of maintenance and repair work 83 10 2 1 Test water content of oil 83 10 2 2 Change oil 83 10 2 3 Clean the air filter 84 10 2 4 Clean t...

Страница 141: ...1 Special information Example B 3 S H 13 Size 1 22 Installation H Horizontal M Horizontal design without base from size 13 Type of output shaft S Solid shaft V Solid shaft reinforced H Hollow shaft with parallel keyway D Hollow shaft for shrink disk K Hollow shaft with internal spline to DIN 5480 F Flanged shaft P Design paper processing machine Number of stages 1 2 3 or 4 Gear unit type H Helical...

Страница 142: ...2PH H2 H 2000 2570 3430 3655 4650 5125 6600 7500 8900 9600 H2 M 1880 2430 3240 3465 4420 4870 6300 7200 8400 9200 H3 H 2295 2625 3475 3875 4560 5030 6700 8100 9100 9800 H3 M 2155 2490 3260 3625 4250 4740 6200 7600 8500 9300 H4 H 2390 2730 3635 3965 4680 5185 6800 8200 9200 9900 H4 M 2270 2600 3440 3740 4445 4915 6300 7700 8600 9400 B2 H 2450 2825 3990 4345 5620 6150 B2 M 2350 2725 3795 4160 5320 5...

Страница 143: ... 6740 7450 9080 9840 Table 3 Weights approximate values for gear units including auxiliary drive load drive Type Approx weight kg for size 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T3 H 285 432 482 670 750 1090 1210 1775 2040 B3 H 295 447 502 695 780 1130 1260 1845 2120 Type Approx weight kg for size 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 B3 H 2930 3300 4450 4675 5920 6425 7100 8000 9730 10490 All weights are for units without...

Страница 144: ...h fan Table 4 Measuring surface sound pressure level LpA in dB A for bevel helical gear units with fan Type iN n1 1 min Gear unit size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 B2 5 1500 71 72 73 76 79 81 83 84 85 87 88 89 91 92 94 1000 66 66 67 71 73 74 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 87 89 90 8 750 1 60 61 64 66 67 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 81 82 83 85 9 1500 68 69 70 73 75 76 78 81 82 83 8...

Страница 145: ... 86 87 87 88 89 90 91 92 1000 1 63 66 68 69 70 72 73 75 77 78 80 80 81 82 82 84 85 86 86 31 5 750 1 1 1 61 62 64 65 66 68 71 71 73 73 74 75 75 77 78 79 79 35 5 1500 60 65 67 70 71 71 72 74 77 79 80 81 82 83 83 84 86 86 88 88 1000 1 1 62 65 65 66 66 69 71 73 75 76 76 77 77 78 80 81 82 83 56 750 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 62 65 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 74 74 75 76 63 1500 1 61 64 70 67 68 68 70 73 75 76 78 78 79 79 ...

Страница 146: ...68 69 70 72 73 75 76 77 79 80 81 82 83 83 84 84 85 85 11 2 1500 73 75 77 79 80 81 82 85 88 90 91 92 93 95 95 1000 68 69 70 72 73 75 77 79 80 82 83 84 85 85 86 86 87 87 87 16 750 64 66 67 69 70 71 73 74 76 78 79 79 80 81 81 82 82 83 83 18 1500 71 73 75 77 78 80 82 84 86 87 90 91 92 93 94 94 95 95 95 1000 65 67 68 71 72 73 75 77 78 80 81 82 83 83 84 85 85 86 86 28 750 62 64 65 67 68 69 71 73 74 75 7...

Страница 147: ... 81 82 83 84 84 85 1000 61 64 65 66 68 69 69 70 71 72 73 75 75 76 77 78 79 79 80 28 750 1 61 62 63 64 66 66 67 68 69 70 72 72 73 73 75 75 76 76 H3 22 4 1500 68 69 73 74 74 75 77 77 78 79 81 81 82 83 83 84 85 86 1000 63 65 68 69 69 71 72 73 73 74 76 77 77 78 79 79 81 81 31 5 750 60 61 65 66 65 67 69 69 70 71 73 73 74 75 75 76 77 78 35 5 1500 65 67 70 71 71 73 74 75 76 76 78 79 79 80 81 81 83 83 100...

Страница 148: ...ection 1 Technical data Other operating conditions must be contractually agreed The gear unit described in these instructions reflects the state of technical development at the time these instructions went to print In the interest of technical progress we reserve the right to make changes to the individual assemblies and accessories which we regard as necessary to preserve their essential characte...

Страница 149: ... only by authorised properly trained and qualified personnel The outside of the gear unit must not be cleaned with high pressure cleaning equipment All work must be carried out with great care and with due regard to safety All work on the gear unit must be carried out only when it is not in operation The drive unit must be secured against being switched on accidentally e g by locking the key switc...

Страница 150: ...vative agents oil binding agents and oil soaked cloths must be disposed of in accordance with environmental legislation Disposal of the gear unit after its useful life Drain all the operating oil preservative agent and or cooling agent from the gear unit and dispose of in accordance with regulations Depending on national regulations gear unit components and or add on parts may have to be disposed ...

Страница 151: ...nless otherwise agreed the packaging complies with the HPE Packaging Guidelines The symbols marked on the packing must be observed at all times These have the following meanings Top Fragile Keep Keep Centre of Use no Attach dry cool gravity hand hook here Fig 2 Transport symbols Transport of the gear unit must be carried out so as to avoid personal damage and damage to the gear unit If for example...

Страница 152: ...ounted on the gear unit an additional attachment point may be required because of the shift in the centre of gravity Units which are slung by eyebolts must not be tilted Fig 4 Attachment points on gear units types H with motor Fig 5 Attachment points on gear units types B with motor Fig 6 Attachment points on gear units types B with gear unit swing base ...

Страница 153: ...reservative agent should be left on them It must not be damaged otherwise there is a risk of corrosion Do not stack gear units on top of one another If the gear unit is being stored out of doors it must be particularly carefully covered and care must be taken that neither moisture nor foreign material can collect on the unit Waterlogging should be avoided Unless otherwise agreed by contract the ge...

Страница 154: ...on protection Ensure that the coat is not damaged Any damage may cause failure of the external protective coating and corrosion Unless otherwise contractually agreed the interior preservation is guaranteed for 6 months and the preservation of the free shaft ends for 24 months provided that storage is in dry frostfree sheds The guarantee period starts on the date of delivery or that of the notice t...

Страница 155: ... replace screw plug with air filter or breather screw before start up For storage periods longer than 36 months FLENDER should be consulted before 1 Resistant to tropical conditions and sea water max ambient temperature 50 C 4 4 2 Exterior preservation Table 10 Durability period for exterior preservation of shaft ends and other bright machined surfaces Duration of protection Preservative agent Lay...

Страница 156: ...ons are gear types with backstop or overrunning clutch If rotation reversal is required for these types of unit FLENDER should be consulted A number of shaft configurations types and rotation directions are possible These are shown in the following table as solid shafts Table 11 Types and rotation directions Type Configuration A B C D E F G H I H1SH H2SH H2HM H2HH H2DM H2DH H2KM H2KH H2FM H2FH H2V...

Страница 157: ...equired they may also be of steel Housings up to size 12 are made in one part The exception are types H1SH and H2PH which have a two part housing similar to those of sizes 13 to 22 of the other types The housing is rigid in design and due to its form has excellent noise and temperature characteristics The gear unit housing comes with the following equipment Lifting eyes adequately dimensioned for ...

Страница 158: ...1 18 Fig 9 Gear unit features on gear units type H H 12 1 for H1SH only 4 3 14 1 6 7 10 8 5 13 5 9 11 12 3 15 16 17 2 Fig 10 Gear unit features on gear units type H H 13 4 3 14 1 6 7 10 8 5 13 5 9 18 12 3 15 17 2 Fig 11 Gear unit features on gear units type H M 13 ...

Страница 159: ...B H 13 6 7 10 8 5 5 18 12 13 9 4 3 14 1 3 15 17 2 Fig 14 Gear unit features on gear units type B M 13 1 Housing 10 Rating plate 2 Lifting eyes 11 Gear unit fastening 3 Cover 12 Fan cowl 4 Cover 13 Fan 5 Shaft seals 14 Inspection and or assembly cover 6 Oil dipstick 15 Alignment surfaces 7 Housing ventilation 16 Alignment thread 8 Oil drain plug 17 Oil inlet 9 Cover and or bearing journal 18 Fasten...

Страница 160: ...3 1 Main gear unit 10 Gear unit fastening 2 Lifting eyes 11 Alignment surfaces 3 Shaft seals 12 Alignment thread 4 Oil dipstick 13 Auxiliary gear unit 5 Housing ventilation 14 Electric motor 6 Oil drain plug 15 Overrunning clutch 7 Fan cowl 16 Backstop 8 Fan 17 Speed monitoring device 9 Inspection or assembly cover 18 Oil filler plug A detailed view of the gear unit can be obtained from the drawin...

Страница 161: ...oil supply system In non horizontal positions with high bearing speeds or peripheral velocities on the teeth the splash lubrication system may be supported and or replaced with a pressure lubrication system The oil supply system is permanently attached to the gear unit and consists of a flange pump a coarse filter a pressure monitoring device and pipework For gear units of sizes 13 to 22 the coars...

Страница 162: ...ering it 5 7 1 Radial shaft sealing rings Radial shaft sealing rings are the standard type of seal They are fitted preferably with an additional dust lip to protect the actual sealing lip from external contamination Use in an area with much dust is not possible Fig 19 Radial shaft sealing ring 5 7 2 Labyrinth seals Labyrinth seals are non contacting and avoid wear to the shaft They therefore requi...

Страница 163: ...llar seal and grease charged labyrinth seal 1 2 3 4 Fig 21 Taconite seal 1 Radial shaft sealing ring 3 Grease charged labyrinth seal re chargeable 2 Lamellar seal 4 Flat grease nipple AM10x1 to DIN 3404 Taconite seals are divided into the following types 1 2 3 1 4 Taconite F F and F H Taconite F K Taconite E Taconite F Fig 22 Taconite seal variants E F F F F H and F K 1 Output 3 Taconite F H 2 Tac...

Страница 164: ...N 5480 Labyrinth re chargeable on output side dustproof cowl on opposite side F K Output shaft Type D Hollow shaft for shrink disk The specified frequencies must be observed see section 10 Maintenance and repair for re charging the labyrinth seals with grease 5 7 4 Tacolab seal Tacolab seals are non contacting seals operating wearfreely and requiring very little maintenance and which thus do not c...

Страница 165: ... stationary From a specific speed up disengagement speed the sprags disengage from the outer ring In this operating condition the backstop operates wearfreely 6 5 3 4 2 1 Fig 24 Backstop 1 Outer ring 4 Shaft 2 Inner ring 5 Cover 3 Cage with sprags 6 Residual oil drain The stop direction can be changed by turning the cage around If a change in stop direction is required FLENDER should be consulted ...

Страница 166: ...d is integrated in its oil circulation system The stop direction can be changed by turning the cage around If a change in stop direction is required FLENDER should be consulted beforehand The slipping torque was set at the correct value at the FLENDER works resetting during startup is not permissible To safeguard the set slipping torque the lead screws of the compression springs are secured with l...

Страница 167: ...uide cover and blows it along the air ducts on the side of the gear housing It thereby dissipates a certain amount of heat from the housing 2 2 1 1 H B T Fig 26 Fan on gear units types H B and T 1 Fan 2 Air guide cover A detailed view of the gear unit can be obtained from the drawings in the gear unit documentation For gear units fitted with a fan sufficient space must be allowed for air intake wh...

Страница 168: ...ther direction The pressure of the cooling water must not exceed 8 bar If the gear unit is being withdrawn from service for a longer period and if there is a danger of freezing the cooling water must be drained off Remove any remaining water with compressed air The ends of the cooling coil must never be twisted because this could destroy the cooling coil The reducing bolt must not be tightened or ...

Страница 169: ... cooler may be applied This oil cooling system is permanently attached to the gear unit Components air oil cooler flange pump coarse filter double change over filter from size 13 pressure monitoring device temperature control valve pipework The air oil cooler is designed to cool the gear oil by means of air from the surrounding atmosphere Depending on the volume flow the oil passes through the coo...

Страница 170: ...ts with add on air oil cooling units it must be ensured that the air circulation is not obstructed The required minimum distance from adjacent components walls etc is indicated in the drawings in the unit documentation Add on pressure monitors must be connected as shown in item 5 5 2 Depending on the application the flange pump may have been replaced with a motor pump When operating and servicing ...

Страница 171: ...ndependent of the direction of rotation if nothing is specified in the documentation to the contrary When connecting the fittings the actual flow direction must however be observed The required water connection must be provided by the user H1 H2 12 H1 H2 13 5 1 6 3 4 1 2 6 5 2 Fig 30 Water oil cooling system on gear units types H1 and H2 B2 12 B2 13 5 1 2 6 3 4 1 6 5 2 Fig 31 Water oil cooling sys...

Страница 172: ...icular a clean and lubrifying delivery medium 5 10 4 2Water oil cooler Water oil coolers are suitable for cooling oils The cooling medium used is water For connecting dimensions refer to the dimensioned drawing of the gear unit The required cooling water quantity and the max permissible inlet temperature are given on the data sheet and or the list of equipment 5 10 4 3Filter The filter protects do...

Страница 173: ...0 9 0 8 0 7 10 to 0 0 to 25 25 to 50 Operation and maintenance must be in accordance with the pertinent operating instructions For technical data refer to the list of equipment 5 12 Oil temperature monitoring Depending on the order specification the gear unit may be fitted with a Pt 100 resistance thermometer for monitoring the oil temperature in the sump In order to measure the temperatures or te...

Страница 174: ...witch This monitoring is designed as a standstill monitoring gear unit stop and checks the level of the oil before the unit is started up When the signal oil level too low is given it should be wired in such a way that the drive motor cannot start and an alarm is given During operation any signal should be bridged If an the oil level monitoring device is in use it is very important that the unit i...

Страница 175: ...n gear units type H B Measuring nipple X X SW17 X X Fig 36 Bearing monitoring on gear units types B and T3 For a detailed illustration of the gear unit and the position of the add on parts please refer to the drawings of the gear unit documentation 5 15 Speed transmitter An incremental speed transmitter may be mounted Wiring and evaluation instrument should be provided by the customer A A 2 1 3 1 ...

Страница 176: ...tor as well as the mounting position please refer to the drawings see section 1 Technical Data The auxiliary gear unit has its own oil circulation system which is separated from that of the main gear unit The auxiliary gear unit is already filled with oil when delivered Before connecting the motor determine the direction of rotation of the three phase current supply using a phase sequence indicato...

Страница 177: ...on the auxiliary drive is switched on If the speed monitoring device connects which can be verified for instance by means of a warning light the speed monitoring device is ready for operation This speed monitoring device is an absolute must for safety reasons since in case of a defect in the overrunning system the auxiliary drive can be destroyed with explosive effect due to overspeeds 5 16 2 Auxi...

Страница 178: ...otation the grippers will lift off and the overrunning clutch will operate without wear If the drive is effected by the motor of the auxiliary drive via the outer ring the overrunning clutch will be in carrier operation i e the main gear unit is turned over slowly in the chosen direction of rotation At the same time the drive shaft of the main gear unit and if a flexible coupling is used between m...

Страница 179: ...ay be fitting a sunshade roof or fitting an additional cooling unit or fitting the oil sump with a temperature monitoring device with a cut out function If a sunshade roof is fitted heat must be prevented from building up If a temperature monitoring device is fitted a warning signal must be emitted when the maximum permitted oil sump temperature is reached If the maximum permitted oil sump tempera...

Страница 180: ... on the gear unit Careful alignment with the units on the in and output sides must be ensured Any elastic deformation through operating forces must be taken into consideration Fastening bolts or nuts must be tightened to the prescribed torque For the correct torque refer to item 6 23 Bolts of the minimum strength class 8 8 must be used If external forces are acting upon the gear unit it is advisab...

Страница 181: ...peration cause a radial and or axial misalignment which cannot be measured when the unit is at a standstill Gear units whose weight requires the use of lifting gear must be attached at the points shown in section 4 Transport and storage If the gear unit is to be transported with add on parts additional attachment points may be required The position of these attachment points is shown in the order ...

Страница 182: ...ns The accuracy of shaft axis alignment is an important factor in determining the life span of shafts bearings and couplings If possible the deviation should be zero exception ZAPEX couplings For amongst others the special requirements for the couplings refer to the specific operating instructions Non observance can cause shaft rupture resulting in serious injury or danger of life 6 3 2 2 Mounting...

Страница 183: ... the concrete has set 4 5 9 6 3 2 1 7 8 1 Fastening bolt 2 Washer 3 Gear unit base 4 Threaded stud 5 Flat steel plate 6 Foundation 7 Final foundation height 8 Prepared foundation height 9 Foundation block Fig 43 Foundation block Using suitable lifting gear place the gear unit on the concrete foundation Align gear unit horizontally by in and output shafts if using stone bolts with shims if using fo...

Страница 184: ... 5 2 3 1 7 8 1 Anchor bolt 2 Support 3 Base plate 4 Pressure plate 5 Hexagon nut 6 Wood 7 Fine grout concrete 8 Raw foundation Fig 44 Anchor bolt Place gear unit on foundation Use only the eyes provided to attach lifting equipment to the unit Do not use the front threads at the shaft ends to attach slinging equipment for the transport Pull anchor bolts up for this a bolt or threaded rod can be scr...

Страница 185: ...res and or the initial tensioning forces should be recorded see also item 7 2 9 6 4 Assembly of a shaft mounting gear unit with hollow shaft and parallel keyway The end of the driven machine shaft material C60 N or higher strength must be provided with a parallel key to DIN 6885 Part 1 Form A Furthermore a centring hole to DIN 332 Form DS tapped should be provided for the connection dimensions of ...

Страница 186: ...vided by the hollow shaft The hollow shaft must be exactly aligned with the machine shaft to avoid canting 2 3 1 4 7 6 5 Fig 47 Hollow shaft with parallel keyway mounting with threaded spindle 1 Machine shaft 4 Nut 7 End plate 2 Hollow shaft 5 Threaded spindle 3 Parallel key 6 Nut Instead of the nut and threaded spindle shown in the diagram other types of equipment such as a hydraulic lifting equi...

Страница 187: ...ed spindle or preferably using a hydraulic lifting unit Lucas The end plate and or the auxiliary plate for forcing off the gear unit are not included in our delivery Each of the two end faces of the hollow shaft is provided with 2 threaded holes for dimensions see fig 50 to receive bolts for fastening the end plate to the hollow shaft 5 4 6 3 1 2 7 Fig 48 Hollow shaft with parallel keyway demounti...

Страница 188: ... also by the housing as shown in fig 48 the forces used must not exceed the values given in the following table 16 Table 16 Maximum forcing pressures Gear unit size Maximum forcing pressure N Gear unit size Maximum forcing pressure N 4 22600 12 113600 5 33000 13 140000 6 37500 14 160000 7 50000 15 193000 8 56000 16 215000 9 65000 17 240000 10 82000 18 266000 11 97200 19 22 on request If the above ...

Страница 189: ...led through to the hollow shaft bore see fig 51 This connection may also be used for supplying rust releasing agent 4 3 1 2 Fig 51 Hollow shaft with internal spline preparation 1 Machine shaft 3 DU bush 2 Hollow shaft 4 Pressure oil connection 6 5 2 Fitting Remove the preservative agent from the hollow shaft and the machine shaft with a suitable cleaning agent such as benzine Do not allow the clea...

Страница 190: ... position with a locating tie and then pulled into the hollow shaft along with the machine shaft see fig 52 The hollow shaft must be exactly aligned with the machine shaft to avoid canting When fitting ensure that the position of the teeth between the machine shaft and hollow shaft is correct The correct position can be determined by turning the input shaft and or by swivelling the gear unit light...

Страница 191: ...device see figs 53 and or 54 Removing the gear unit from the driven machine shaft can be done locally as follows using forcing screws in an end plate see Fig 54 or using a central threaded spindle or preferably using a hydraulic lifting unit Lucas 5 4 6 3 1 2 7 Fig 53 Hollow shaft with internal spline demounting with hydraulic lifting equipment Lucas 1 Machine shaft 5 Threaded spindle 2 Hollow sha...

Страница 192: ...riven machine should be rounded and well greased to reduce the risk of seizing at this point 6 6 Shaft mounting gear unit with hollow shaft and shrink disk The end of the driven machine shaft material C60 N or higher strength should have a centring means to DIN 332 Form DS with thread in its end face for connecting dimensions of the driven machine shaft see dimensioned drawing in the gear unit doc...

Страница 193: tie and then pulled into the hollow shaft along with the machine shaft see fig 55 The hollow shaft must be exactly aligned with the machine shaft to avoid canting Instead of the nut and threaded spindle shown in the diagram other types of equipment such as a hydraulic lifting equipment type Lucas may be used The hollow shaft may be tightened against a machine shaft collar only if the gear unit ...

Страница 194: ...haft must be carefully cleaned Observe manufacturer s instructions for handling lubricants and solvents Do not allow cleansing agent or solvent to affect surfaces with paint coating The bore of the hollow shaft and the stub shaft must be absolutely clean free of grease and oil in the area of the shrink disk seat This is essential for safe and reliable torque transmission Do not use contaminated so...

Страница 195: ...ue see table 18 must not be exceeded If when tightening the clamping bolts at max tightening torque the inner and outer ring are not aligned FLENDER must be consulted Table 18 Maximum torques for tensioning bolts Tensioning bolt thread max tightening torque per bolt Tensioning bolt thread max tightening torque per bolt Strength class 12 9 Nm Strength class 12 9 Nm M 8 35 M 20 570 M 10 70 M 24 980 ...

Страница 196: ... outer ring completely releases of its own accord The shrink disk is to be secured against axial shifting Draw the stub shaft out of the hollow shaft Pull the shrink disk off the hollow shaft For transporting and lifting the shrink disk it may be required to use a suitable lifting device 6 7 3 Cleaning and greasing the shrink disk Only dirty shrink disks must be disassembled and cleaned Inspection...

Страница 197: ...cteristics Join inner ring 3 and outer ring 4 Place the tensioning bolts and screw in some threads by your fingers Observe the manufacturer s instructions for handling lubricants Mounting and start up must be carried out by properly trained specialist personnel 6 7 4 Re mounting the shrink disk For re mounting the shrink disk the procedure described in item 6 7 1 must be adhered to 6 7 5 Inspectio...

Страница 198: ...cause a radial and or axial misalignment which cannnot be measured when the unit is at a standstill For permissible alignment errors in the case of couplings supplied by FLENDER please refer to the operating instruction manuals for the couplings If you use couplings manufactured by other manufacturers ask these manufacturers which alignment errors are permissible stating the radial loads occurring...

Страница 199: ...s is also advantageous In the case of gear units with hollow output shafts or flange output shafts the coupling on the output side is not required Gear units with hollow output shafts must be mounted on the shafts of the customer s machinery Gear units with flanged output shafts must be mounted on the customer s shaft via a counterflange 6 9 Shaft mounting gear unit with flanged shaft The front ar...

Страница 200: ... Tighten diametrically opposed tensioning bolts to full torque The joint bolts must be tightened to the prescribed torque For the correct torque refer to item 6 23 Bolts of the minimum strength class 8 8 must be used The transmittable gear unit torque is limited by the bolted joint on bolt circle K1 ØK1 Fig 59 Illustration with block flange Table 21 Types and rotation directions Type Design 1 B C ...

Страница 201: ...ble 22 Motor types and torque arms Gear unit size Max perm standard motor size Gear type Gear type H2 H3 H4 B2 B3 B4 4 200 200 200 5 6 225 225 225 225 160 7 8 280 280 180 280 280 200 9 10 280 280 225 280 280 225 11 12 315M 315M 250 315M 315M 280 13 14 355 315M 355 355 315M 15 16 355 315 355 355M 17 18 355 355M 355 355 19 22 on request Larger motors should be used only with FLENDER s approval Found...

Страница 202: ...r unit swing base Table 23 Motor assignment gear unit swing base Gear unit size Max perm standard motor size Gear type B2 B3 B4 4 on request 200 5 6 225M 160 7 8 280M 200 9 10 315 225M 11 12 355 280S 13 14 400M 315M 15 16 400M 315 17 18 400M 355L 19 22 on request Larger motors should be used only with FLENDER s approval Foundation type for fastening the torque arm see item 6 3 1 Foundation If the ...

Страница 203: ...r electrically Connect the fan motor electrically 6 16 Gear units with fitted water oil cooler Before connecting the water oil cooler remove the plugs from the cooling water connections Flush the water oil cooler in order to remove any contamination Install the cooling water in and outflow pipes for flow direction and exact position of connections see dimensioned drawing Make sure when installing ...

Страница 204: must be taken This work must always be done by electrotechnical specialists Cable entries should be protected against moisture Check that protective measures have been taken 6 23 Screw connection classes tightening torques and initial tensioning forces 6 23 1 Screw connection classes The specified screw connections are to be fastened applying the tightening torques specified in the table below ...

Страница 205: ...9300 31600 19800 186 160 143 10 9 72500 46400 29000 273 235 210 12 9 85000 54400 34000 320 276 246 M20 8 8 77000 49200 30800 364 313 280 10 9 110000 70400 44000 520 450 400 12 9 129000 82400 51500 609 525 468 M24 8 8 109000 69600 43500 614 530 470 10 9 155000 99200 62000 875 755 675 12 9 181000 116000 72500 1020 880 790 M30 8 8 170000 109000 68000 1210 1040 930 10 9 243000 155000 97000 1720 1480 1...

Страница 206: ...tarted up if the required instructions are not to hand 7 1 Procedure before start up 7 1 1 Removal of preservative agent The location of the oil draining points is marked by an appropriate symbol in the dimensioned drawing in the gear unit documentation Oil draining point Place suitable containers under the oil draining points Unscrew the oil drain plug or open the oil drain cock Remove remaining ...

Страница 207: ... 8 Screw plug for oil inlet backstop 4 Oil drain plug 9 Screw plug for residual oil drainage backstop 5 Breather screw or screw plug 3 1 2 5 4 5 6 Fig 64 Oil inlet oil drain on gear units type B3 13 with auxiliary drive 1 Inspection and or assembly cover 4 Oil drain plug 2 Oil dipstick 5 Oil filler plug 3 Breather screw or screw plug 6 Oil inlet A detailed view of the gear unit can be obtained fro...

Страница 208: ...A 7300 EN operating instructions supplied separately Information on the type quantity and viscosity of the oil is given on the rating plate on the gear unit The quantity of oil indicated on the rating plate is an approximation only The marks on the dipstick or oil sight glass are decisive for the amount of oil to be filled in In the case of gear units fitted with pressure lubrication or an oil coo...

Страница 209: ... 33 48 50 80 B4 M Type Oil quantity approximate value in litres for size 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 H1SH 175 190 270 390 H2 H 76 135 140 210 215 290 300 320 340 320 340 H2 M 110 115 160 165 230 240 300 320 350 370 H3 H 90 160 165 235 245 305 315 420 450 470 490 H3 M 125 130 190 195 240 250 390 415 515 540 H4 H 87 130 140 230 235 290 305 360 380 395 420 H4 M 120 125 170 175 225 230 310 330 43...

Страница 210: ...Start up Before start up replace the yellow plastic screw plug with the air filter see notice on gear unit 7 2 1 Oil level The oil level must be monitored by means of the existing oil level monitoring equipment To do so the gear unit must be shut down When the oil is cool the level should be at the upper mark on the oil dipstick or the middle of oil sight glass When the oil is warm it may slightly...

Страница 211: ...with overrunning clutch Observe details at item 5 16 3 Overrunning clutch Before start up check whether the overrunning clutch can be turned manually in the free wheeling direction without exerting undue force Observe the direction of rotation arrows on the housing The overrunning clutch is in free wheeling operation if the motor shaft of the auxiliary drive is rotated in opposed operating directi...

Страница 212: ... The correct setting of the switch points must be checked 7 2 9 Checking procedure The following visual checks must be conducted and recorded when starting up Oil level Leaktightness of the oil cooling or oil supply lines Opening condition of the shut off valves Effectiveness of the shaft seals Freedom of the rotating parts from contact The tension pressures and or pretensioning forces in accordan...

Страница 213: ...ducing screw Pour in the preservative agent through the hole of the reducing screw up to the top mark on the oil sight glass For preservative agent see table 8 or 9 in item 4 4 1 Screw in air filter including reducing screw Start the gear unit and allow it to idle briefly Unscrew the oil drain plug Drain preservative agent into a suitable container Dispose of preservative agent in accordance with ...

Страница 214: ...seals 8 2 Oil level To check the oil level stop operation of the gear unit When the oil is warm the oil level may slightly exceed the upper mark of the oil dipstick or the middle of the oil sight glass It must not be allowed to fall below the lower mark If necessary top up to the correct level The oil level in the oil supply system must be checked For this the operating instructions of the oil sup...

Страница 215: ...ionally Attach a warning notice to the start switch 9 2 Possible faults Table 29 Faults causes and remedy Faults Causes Remedy Changes in gear unit noise Damage to gear teeth Excessive bearing play Bearing defective Contact Customer Service Check all toothed components and replace any damaged parts Contact Customer Service Adjust bearing backlash Contact Customer Service Replace defective bearings...

Страница 216: ...l supply unit or cooling coil Gear unit exposed to cold air from machine room ventilator Water condensing Climatic conditions Check state of oil by the test tube method for water contamination Have oil analysed by laboratory Check the oil supply system or cooling coil replace any defective parts Consult operating instructions for oil supply system Protect gear unit with suitable heat insulation Cl...

Страница 217: ...he operator must ensure that the intervals stated in table 30 are adhered to This also applies if the maintenance work is included in the operator s internal maintenance schedules Table 30 Maintenance and repair work Measures Periods Remarks Check oil temperature Daily Check for unusual gear unit noise Daily Check oil level Monthly Check gear unit for leaks Monthly Test the water content of the oi...

Страница 218: ...y double the service life 10 2 Description of maintenance and repair work 10 2 1 Test water content of oil More information about examining the oil for water content or conducting oil analyses is obtainable from your lubricant manufacturer or our customer service For reference purposes a fresh sample of the operating lubricating oil used must be sent with the used oil sample to the analysing insti...

Страница 219: ...the gear unit housing Unscrew the air filter including reducing screw at the housing top Unscrew oil drain plug or open oil drain cock and drain the oil into the collecting container Drain the oil from the oil supply system see operating instructions to the oil supply system There is a danger of scalding from the hot oil emerging from the housing Wear protective gloves Remove any oil spillage imme...

Страница 220: ...0 2 7 Check cooling coil Shut off the cooling water supply Disconnect the cooling water in and outflow pipes from the cooling coil Check the inside walls of the cooling coil for deposits If the cooling coil is dirty heat is no longer withdrawn effectively from the gear unit Any dirt adhering to the inside of the coil should be removed by chemical cleaning or the cooling coil should be replaced wit...

Страница 221: ...ose lines are replaced at suitable intervals of time even if no defects which may affect their safe operation are identifiable on them Hose lines must be inspected for safe working condition by an expert before the plant is first put into operation and thereafter at least once a year If during inspections faults are found these must be rectified immediately or suitable countermeasures taken 10 2 1...

Страница 222: ...e been tested and meet the requirements To avoid misunderstandings we should like to point out that this recommendation is in no way intended as a guarantee of the quality of the lubricant supplied Each lubricant manufacturer is responsible for the quality of his own product Information on the type quantity and viscosity of the oil is given on the rating plate on the gear unit or in the supplied d...

Страница 223: ...cs of the gear unit thereby posing an active or passive risk to safety FLENDER will assume no liability or guarantee for damage caused by spare parts not supplied by FLENDER The same applies to any accessories not supplied by FLENDER Please note that certain components often have special production and supply specifications and that we supply you with spare parts which comply fully with the curren...

Страница 224: ...lied and are satisfied 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 5 1 2 6 1 3 1 1 3 4 1 3 6 1 3 8 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 1 5 1 1 5 2 1 5 4 1 5 11 1 5 13 1 6 1 1 6 2 1 7 1 1 7 2 1 7 4 1 7 4 3 The partly completed machinery must not be put into service until it has been established that the machinery into which the partly completed machinery is to be incorporated has been declared in conformity with the provisions of Directive 2...

Страница 225: ...mmended lubricants for FLENDER helical gear bevel helical gear and planetary gear units and geared motors A Friedr Flender AG D 46393 Bocholt Tel 02871 92 0 Telefax 02871 92 2596 www flender com Translation of the original operating instructions ...

Страница 226: ...he information indicated by this symbol must be treated as general operating information 1 Lubricants for helical gear bevel helical gear and planetary gear units and geared motors These lubricant recommendations do not apply to gear units from the companies WINERGY AG and FLENDER Graffenstaden SA as they require different lubricants For gear units not referred to in these operating instructions t...

Страница 227: ...s which do not comply with the above quality requirements will invalidate the FLENDER product guarantee obligation In addition adherence to the instructions given in these operating instructions are conditional for any claims under warranty Deviations are permitted only after consultation with FLENDER If the operating conditions have been subsequently modified and differ from those stated in your ...

Страница 228: ...e seed oils etc for poly α olefins and polyglycols 4 years or 20 000 operating hours The actual service lives may be higher or lower for temperatures over 80 C The general rule is that an increase in temperature of 10 K will halve the service life 1 1 4 Oil change The degree of purity of the oil affects the operating reliability and life span of the oil and the gear units It should therefore be en...

Страница 229: ... VG 1000 Amsoil Power Transmission EP1000 4111 XEP 5999 XEP A32 VG 680 ECO GEAR 680 S Amsoil Power Transmission EP 680 4680 XEP 5680 XEP Indsyn EP 680 A33 VG 460 ECO GEAR 460 S Amsoil Power Transmission EP 460 4460 XEP 5460 XEP Indsyn EP 560 A34 VG 320 ECO GEAR 320 S Amsoil Power Transmission EP 320 4320 XEP 5320 XEP Indsyn EP 320 A35 VG 220 ECO GEAR 220 S Amsoil Power Transmission EP 220 4220 XEP...

Страница 230: ...GEAR VSG 460 BERUSYNTH EP 460 A24 VG 320 Degol GS 320 GEAR VSG 320 BERUSYNTH EP 320 A25 VG 220 Degol GS 220 GEAR VSG 220 BERUSYNTH EP 220 A26 VG 150 Degol GS 150 GEAR VSG 150 BERUSYNTH EP 150 A27 VG 100 GEAR VSG 100 BERUSYNTH EP 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 SYNTOGEAR PE 1000 A32 VG 680 SYNTOGEAR PE 680 EVOGEAR SX 680 MAK Syngear 680 A33 VG 460 Degol PAS 460 SYNTOGEAR PE 460 EVOGEAR SX 46...

Страница 231: ...0 Beslux Sincart W 220 A26 VG 150 Enersyn SG XP 150 Beslux Sincart W 150 A27 VG 100 Enersyn SG XP 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 Bel Ray Synth Gear Oil 6698 Beslux Gearsint XP 1000 A32 VG 680 Bel Ray Synth Gear Oil 6696 Beslux Gearsint XP 680 A33 VG 460 Bel Ray Synth Gear Oil 6694 Enersyn EP XF 460 Beslux Gearsint XP 460 A34 VG 320 Bel Ray Synth Gear Oil 6692 Enersyn EP XF 320 Beslux Gears...

Страница 232: ...0 Synlube WS 680 A23 VG 460 Tribol 1300 460 Synlube WS 460 A24 VG 320 Tribol 1300 320 Synlube WS 320 A25 VG 220 Tribol 1300 220 Synlube WS 220 A26 VG 150 Synlube WS 150 A27 VG 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 Optigear Synth X 1000 A32 VG 680 Alphasyn EP 680 Optigear Synth X 680 AEROGEAR SYNT 680 A33 VG 460 Optigear Synth A 460 Alphasyn EP 460 Optigear Synth X 460 Tribol 1710 460 AEROGEAR SYN...

Страница 233: ...80 Breox SL 680 A23 VG 460 Breox SL 460 A24 VG 320 Breox SL 320 A25 VG 220 Breox SL 220 A26 VG 150 Breox SL 150 A27 VG 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 A32 VG 680 A33 VG 460 A34 VG 320 A35 VG 220 A36 VG 150 A37 VG 100 Biologically degradable oils BIO oil A41 VG 1000 A42 VG 680 A43 VG 460 A44 VG 320 A45 VG 220 A46 VG 150 A47 VG 100 Physio logically safe oils PHY oil A51 VG 1000 Breox FGL 1000...

Страница 234: ...ARMASTER PGP 150 A27 VG 100 Ucolub BSL IG 100 RENOLIN PG 100 GEARMASTER PGP 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 GEARMASTER SYN 1000 A32 VG 680 RENOLIN UNISYN CLP 680 GEARMASTER SYN 680 A33 VG 460 Ucolub N PA 460 RENOLIN UNISYN CLP 460 GEARMASTER SYN 460 Galp Transgear SMP 460 A34 VG 320 Ucolub N PA 320 RENOLIN UNISYN CLP 320 GEARMASTER SYN 320 Galp Transgear SMP 320 A35 VG 220 Ucolub N PA 220 R...

Страница 235: ...20 A25 VG 220 Klübersynth GH 6 220 SYNPAG 220 A26 VG 150 Klübersynth GH 6 150 A27 VG 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 A32 VG 680 Servosyngear Plus 680 Klübersynth GEM 4 680 N A33 VG 460 Parthan SL 460 Parthan EP SA 460 Servosyngear AMP 460 Servosyngear Plus 460 Klübersynth GEM 4 460 N A34 VG 320 Parthan SL 320 Parthan EP SA 320 Servosyngear AMP 320 Servosyngear Plus 320 Klübersynth GEM 4 320...

Страница 236: ... 100 Polyglycols PG oil A21 VG 1000 A22 VG 680 Transmil Synthetic Extra PG 680 A23 VG 460 Transmil Synthetic Extra PG 460 A24 VG 320 Transmil Synthetic Extra PG 320 A25 VG 220 Transmil Synthetic Extra PG 220 A26 VG 150 Transmil Synthetic Extra PG 150 A27 VG 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 Mobil SHC 639 A32 VG 680 megol Gearoil Synth 680 A33 VG 460 megol Gearoil Synth 460 Mobil SHC 634 A34 V...

Страница 237: ...GEAR COMPOUND PLUS 150 Nycolube 8340 OMV gear HST 150 A17 VG 100 GEAR COMPOUND PLUS 100 OMV gear HST 100 Polyglycols PG oil A21 VG 1000 A22 VG 680 A23 VG 460 A24 VG 320 A25 VG 220 A26 VG 150 A27 VG 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 GEAR SINTEC CLP 1000 TRANSGEAR PE 1000 A32 VG 680 GEAR SINTEC CLP 680 TRANSGEAR PE 680 A33 VG 460 GEAR SINTEC CLP 460 TRANSGEAR PE 460 A34 VG 320 GEAR SINTEC CLP 3...

Страница 238: ...0 Super Tauro PAG 1000 A22 VG 680 Super Tauro PAG 680 A23 VG 460 A24 VG 320 A25 VG 220 A26 VG 150 A27 VG 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 PO Gravis SP 1000 A32 VG 680 PO Gravis SP 680 A33 VG 460 Enduratex Synthetic 460 PO Gravis SP 460 Q8 El Greco 460 Super Tauro Sintetico 460 A34 VG 320 Enduratex Synthetic 320 PO Gravis SP 320 Q8 El Greco 320 Super Tauro Sintetico 320 A35 VG 220 Enduratex S...

Страница 239: ... 150 A27 VG 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 Great Wall Synth AP HD 1000 CARTER SH 1000 A32 VG 680 Shell Omala HD 680 Great Wall Synth AP HD 680 CARTER SH 680 A33 VG 460 Shell Omala HD 460 Great Wall Synth AP HD 460 CARTER SH 460 A34 VG 320 Shell Omala HD 320 Great Wall Synth AP HD 320 MERETA 320 CARTER SH 320 A35 VG 220 Shell Omala HD 220 Great Wall Synth AP HD 220 MERETA 220 CARTER SH 220 ...

Страница 240: ...G 1000 A22 VG 680 A23 VG 460 A24 VG 320 A25 VG 220 A26 VG 150 A27 VG 100 Poly α olefins PAO oil A31 VG 1000 A32 VG 680 Corvus MP 680 A33 VG 460 Corvus MP 460 A34 VG 320 Corvus MP 320 A35 VG 220 Corvus MP 220 A36 VG 150 Corvus MP 150 A37 VG 100 Biologically degradable oils BIO oil A41 VG 1000 A42 VG 680 A43 VG 460 A44 VG 320 A45 VG 220 A46 VG 150 A47 VG 100 Physio logically safe oils PHY oil A51 VG...

Страница 241: ... greases for FLENDER gear units and rolling bearings Lubricant classic performance Gear greases MIN GF Mineral oil base G13 3 Optipit G14 2 Optipit G15 1 G16 0 G17 00 Aralub FDP 00 Energrease LS EP 00 CLS Grease Tribol 5000 Optitemp OG 0 G18 000 Longtime PD 00 MA Mehrzweckfett 00 Rolling bearing greases MIN WF Mineral oil base Lithium saponification H12 4 H13 3 Aralub HL3 Energrease LS 3 Spheerol ...

Страница 242: ...saponification H12 4 H13 3 Mobilux EP 3 Alvania RL 3 Alvania EP LF 3 H14 2 CENTOPLEX GLP 402 Mobilux EP 2 Alvania RL 2 Alvania EP LF 2 Wiolub LFK 2 H15 1 Table D Code no Consistency NLGI class DIN 51818 Lubricating greases for FLENDER gear units and rolling bearings Lubricant Gear greases MIN GF Mineral oil base G13 3 G14 2 G15 1 G16 0 Multis EP 0 G17 00 Multis EP 00 G18 000 Rolling bearing grease...

Страница 243: ......

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Страница 245: ...S FEY 000 000 778 664 0 1 LAMELLAR RING AS FEY E 0250 1 ST WAELZLAGER 000 000 379 246 30 9 ROLLING CONTACT BEARING E 0251 1 ST WAELZLAGER 000 000 380 161 55 8 ROLLING CONTACT BEARING E 0700 1 ST PUMPE 000 000 389 291 3 8 PUMP E 0710 2 ST MITNEHMER 5213119 F 000 000 391 060 0 1 DRIVER Die mit gekennzeichneten Teile gehören zu einer Baugruppe G Die Baugruppe ist nur komplett auszutauschen The parts ...

Страница 246: ... of protection IP 65 adjusted at p 0 5 bar 774 1 Double change over filter FRIEDRICHS Type 4 225 20 060 2 F2 as per Flender Works Standard F 5922 Nominal width DN 20 Nominal pressure PN 16 Rate of flow approx 30 l min Filter coarseness 60 mm Filterelement stainless steel wire cloth Housing material GK Al Filter bowl material GK Al optical diff pressure indication electrical diff pressure check Typ...

Страница 247: ...r pressure connection 2 Safety In addition to the special safety instructions listed in the following the valid national safety and accident prevention regulations for handling machinery and technical equipment are to be observed Failure to observe the safety instructions may involve a danger to persons the environment and the machine and to loss of all claims for compensation Information attached...

Страница 248: ...ent of the manufacturer OEM parts serve safety purposes The use of other parts may render liability for ensuing consequences null and void Unauthorised operation The operational safety of the pump supplied is only ensured when used as intended The threshold values listed in the data sheet must never be exceeded 3 Transport and storage Protective measures and packaging The pumps are packaged in the...

Страница 249: ...or blades fins are pressed against the running surface of the stator hole with the aid of elastic and centrifugal force The displacement cells thus formed pump the fluid via different changes in volume from the suction to the pressure side Design structure The extremely robust but simple structure of the pump is the basic condition for long trouble free operation The drive shaft with the pressed o...

Страница 250: ...d flow of the individual pump versions are given in our brochure or in the associated drawings 5 Installation assembly All lines are to be connected oil and air tight The pump is to be installed in accordance with the installation position with the aid of the fixing holes provided for this purpose and the standardised tightening torque 6 Commissioning For initial commissioning or after a standstil...

Страница 251: ...e piston a micro switch is actuated which opens or closes the electrical con tacts changeover The pressure switch monitors a preset pressure Vorraussetzungen für den Produkteinsatz Conditions governing the use of the product Allgemeine stets zu beachtende Hinweise für den ordnungs gemäßen und sicheren Einsatz des Druckschalters Halten Sie die angegebenen Grenzwerte wie z B Drücke Kräfte Momente un...

Страница 252: ...ten Technical data Bemessungsbe triebsspannung Ue Bemessungsbe triebsstrom Ie Gebrauchs kategorie Rated operating voltage Ue Rated operating current Ie Utilization category 250 Volt AC 50 60 Hz 4 Ampere AC12 250 Volt AC 50 60 Hz 4 Amps AC12 250 Volt AC 50 60 Hz 1 Ampere AC14 250 Volt AC 50 60 Hz 1 Amp AC14 30 Volt DC 4 4 Ampere DC12 DC13 30 Volt DC 4 4 Amps DC12 DC13 50 Volt DC 2 1 Ampere DC12 DC1...

Страница 253: ...rechenden Abmessungen Mechanical pneumatic hydraulic With a size 27 open ended wrench to DIN 894 or similar install the pressure switch by means of the hexagon connec tor in the corresponding pressure socket tightening torque G1 4 50 Nm For sealing the system use a standard copper gasket of the appropriate dimensions Anschlussgewinde Drehmoment Connecting thread Torque M10x1keg und NPT1 8 Einschra...

Страница 254: with a 6 3 mm wide blade Take care to ensure that the adjusting screw 3 dose not seize at any point other than when it is fully tightened down 3 Adjust the pressure switch to the desired actuating pressure a test pressure gauge is required 4 Ease off the adjusting screw 3 to a sufficient extent to cause the pressure switch to trip continuity tester reacts 5 If necessary adjust the trip pressure...

Страница 255: ...e die Vorschriften der Berufsgenossenschaf ten des Technischen Überwachungsvereins TÜV oder die entsprechenden nationalen Bestimmungen Beachten Sie unbedingt die Warnungen und Hinweise in der Bedienungsanleitung Entfernen Sie die alle Transportvorkehrungen wie Schutz folien Kappen oder Kartonagen Die Entsorgung der einzelnen Werkstoffe in Recycling Sammelbehältern ist möglich The following general...

Страница 256: ...oose terminal board 4 by pushing out with a screwdriver inserted from above through the mount ing screw 1 hole In this process it is necessary to over come the resistance exerted by the seal 3 Connect the cable max lead cross section 1 5 mm to the screw terminal provided Fig 2 4 Reinstall the terminal board 4 in the plug housing 3 install the mounting screw 1 with seal 2 and tighten se curely Take...

Страница 257: ...Operating Instructions DOUBLE FILTER type series 4 225 last updated 2007 07 rev FRE 01 B 5922 EN 04 10 1 16 ...

Страница 258: ...Use 3 1 2 Technical data 3 1 3 Identification marking 3 1 4 Scope of delivery 3 2 DESIGN FEATURES 4 2 1 Operating Conditions 4 3 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE 4 4 INSTALLATION 5 4 1 Setup 5 4 2 Mounting and connecting the filter 5 5 STARTING UP 6 5 1 Troubleshooting 8 6 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 9 6 1 Replacing the filter elements 9 6 2 Cleaning of filter elements 10 6 3 Maintenance 11 7 ADDITIONAL DOC...

Страница 259: ...clean filter element and is filled with fluid When the filter element of the active chamber starts clogging due to dirt accumulation the fluid flow can be switched over manually to pass through the other cham ber Due to an intersecting change over between both filter chambers an uninterrupted flow is ensured 1 2 Technical data Designation Double Changeover Filter Opposed Chamber Design Type series...

Страница 260: ... with other fluids than explicitly designated require consultation of the manufacturer for technical release 3 Transportation and storage Appropriate packing has to be chosen ensuring that no deformations or other damages of any parts or sealing surfaces occur high forces impact or selective load on components can result in deformations or damages Transportation and storage is not allowed at tempe...

Страница 261: ... filters can be mounted in different positions see supplement However accessibility and ease of operation and maintenance should be considered when choosing installation position Connection to surrounding installation is established via provided adaptor flanges serve as fixture for filter at the same time Attachment of the flanges to on site pipework is done either with screwed pipe joints or by w...

Страница 262: ...on with re spect to applicable regulations Type series 4 225 double filters are robust constructions and as such do not require any par ticular measures of precaution However the following hints should be followed attach the handle of the change over lever to the square end of the rotary slide valve as indicated in the illustration below illustration 5 1 The handle 1 of the change over lever must ...

Страница 263: ... change over to the reserve chamber in case of rapid clogging This can happen due to potentially increased dirt loads on the filter element during start of operation As an exception the simultaneous use of both filter chambers is possible This dou blechamber operation mode decreases high pressure drops observed with extremely viscous liquids which can happen e g during cold start at very low tempe...

Страница 264: ...ns tighten screw connections or seal up connections leaking vent plug or drain plug replace leaking Differential pressure too high during start up fluid s viscosity is temperature dependant see section 5 Starting up unsuitable choice of differential pressure range not matching viscosity of fluid change measuring range of differential pressure indicatore see supplement Differential pressure too hig...

Страница 265: ... air from the chamber if necessary open vent plug loosen a few turns until fluid starts leaking then close tighten it again The chamber put out of operation must be emptied completely by first opening the vent plug loosen a few turns this ensures the chamber gets depressurised and then opening the drain plug Use a vessel with sufficient capacity to collect the discharged fluid Using this discharge...

Страница 266: ...the dirt side outside to the clean side inside For effective manual cleaning we recommend a special cleaning tool rotating noz zle which flushes the element from inside to outside with cleaning fluid To clean the filter element without any special tools first soak the element extensively in cleaning fluid until incrustations get soft Subsequently blow clean pressurised air from inside to outside N...

Страница 267: ...ary In case the change over lever has been removed during maintenance works correct align ment must be ensured when refitting on the square end of the rotary slide valve see illustration 5 1 Every time a filter element has been cleaned it should be examined for mechanical dam ages As the filter medium generally wire mesh is arranged exclusively on the outside of the filter element this can be carr...

Страница 268: ...nberg Phone 49 2432 96600 FAX 49 2432 966090 12 Revision history 2005 10 English translation of German document 2007 07 FRE 01 completely revised translation based on German document Rev FRE 01 06 2007 incorporation of Flender annotations concerning vocabulary grammar style changed spelling of connexion to connection B 5922 EN 04 10 12 16 ...

Страница 269: ... of flow oil max 3 m s Filter area per filter element 400 cm2 Length of filter element 87 mm Materials Casing change over valve and filter hood GK Al Filter element CrNi GK Al Gaskets Perbunan Viton or special materials Subject to technical modifications update 10 05 fluidtech duplex filter Diese Zeichnung darf nicht zu Zwecken des Wettbewerbs oder aus Eigennutz verwertet oder Außenstehenden zugän...

Страница 270: and in addition to Reed contacts for electrical si gnals In the range of 10 100 p monitored by 0 110 display angle the red part of the display becomes visible In the standard version at 75 p mark in the display usually the first f1 at 100 p the second f2 Reed contact is switched The switching points are engraved into the display Connection Connection should be done workmanlike to ensure prope...

Страница 271: paid attention of fitting the nipples in the bottom of the diaphragm to the piston s side 6 7 8 9 8a 10 12 1 4 3 5 2 11 13 3a deltaP FRIEDRICHS FILTERSYSTEME GMBH P O Box 1248 41846 Wassenberg Germany Phone 49 0 2432 96 60 0 Fax 90 Typ 5 02 DifferentialPressureIndicators ConstructionandMaintenance No Name Material DIN optional 1 2 Casing Cover GK AlSi 12 hardcoated GK AlSi 12 hardcoated 3 3a 4 ...

Страница 272: ...entioned circuit diagram The respecti ve differential pressure engraved into the display p1 p2 controls the contacts f1 f2 Each contact is associated a clamp on the reverse of the differential pressure indicator This is protected with a sealed aluminum cover The clamp description is found on the the plate and on the upper side of the casing Connection to earth can be either made via the clamps or ...

Страница 273: ... FUNKE Type to FLENDER works standard W 5937 BA FUN OLK 001 Size 08 3N 06 Type No 2 7808 2 31 Three phase motor Type B14 Size 80 Speed 1200 1 min Output 0 63 kW Voltage 3 x 220 240 V Frequency 60 Hz Insulation material class F Type of protection IP 55 32 1 Temperature control valve WAHLER Type No 7096 60 BA WAH REG 000 Connection G 1 1 2 with protective element type no 7038 60 Opening towards cool...

Страница 274: ......

Страница 275: ...Oil Air Cooling Units Series OKAN II OKAN II Ex OKAN III General view Edition 02 2006 Operating Instruction OKANIII OKAN II BA FUN OLK 001 EN 10 08 1 12 ...

Страница 276: ...s S 5 3 2 Operation functional desciption S 5 4 0 Functional ranges operation conditions 4 1 Allow media S 6 4 2 Operating data S 6 4 3 Ambient conditions S 6 5 0 Transportation S 7 6 0 Installation initial operation 6 1 Installation S 7 8 6 2 Initial operation S 8 6 3 Operating advice S 8 6 4 Shutting down dismantling S 8 7 0 Maintenance S 9 8 0 Causes of faults removal of faults S 9 9 0 Environm...

Страница 277: ...n as follows CE symbol identification number of the notified body acc to PED inspection date 3 1 2 Intended use FUNKE oil air cooling units are intended to cool oils hydraulic fluids and mixtures of water glycol by means of ambient air FUNKE oil air cooling units are unless required otherwise by order specifications designed for special conditions of use specified by the customer concerning temper...

Страница 278: ...ted and maintained only by technically qualified operating and servicing personnel National and international directives for pressure equipment and machinery Europe EU Pressure Equipment Directive PED 97 23 EC machinery directive 98 37 EC for hazardous fluids as well as on operating safety and accident prevention must be observed In Germany Law on operating safety and pertinent ordinances In any c...

Страница 279: ...mats with frame thermostat 5 3 2 Operation function The medium to be cooled is depending on volumetric flow rate flowing through the cooler core either in one pass or multiple passes and is cooled by the ambient air produced by the fan The regular fan is a suction fan but can also be supplied as pressure fan if required by the order specification To reach a high heat dissipation oil and air fins f...

Страница 280: ...required Furthermore in hazardous areas the ignition temperature of developed gases must be considered FUNKE oil air cooling units in explosion protected design are approved only for ATEX group II category 3 zone 2 or 22 respectively No operation allowed in case of flooding completely or partly Special modifications are available 4 1 Allowed media mineral oils e g lubricating oil cutting oil conve...

Страница 281: ...ixed at 4 points at least on a flat foundation figure 6 Fixing should be strainless and vibration free possibly use vibration isolators Connections electric and hydraulic must also be strainless and vibration free Before assembly remove protective plugs from fluid connections Unless described otherwise in the technical order specification keep a distance to any foreign objects in the suction range...

Страница 282: ...of the FUNKE oil air cooling unit is possible When operating the oil air cooling units with direct current motors it must be taken into consideration that service life is much shorter compared with three phase motors Frequent startings or continuous operation reduce the life time In case of fan drive by means of hydraulic motor it is not allowed to exceed the max allowable rotational speed of the ...

Страница 283: ...emoval of faults The cause for a capacity loss can be on the airside and also inside the oil air cooling unit 1 Too low mass flow check or correct rotational speed of pump rotational speed of fan direction of rotation of fan electric hydraulic connection increased pressure drop in the system 2 Increased pressure drop Check or correct narrowed flow cross section due to deposits foreign matters narr...

Страница 284: ... 3600 0 25 0 29 0 55 0 63 0 55 0 63 H 376 438 506 612 712 721 853 853 869 1022 1169 1361 H1 204 5 235 5 269 5 320 5 370 5 370 5 436 5 436 5 436 5 513 592 5 688 5 H2 62 62 5 62 5 66 66 62 62 62 53 53 81 81 H3 285 346 414 509 609 617 749 749 767 920 1023 1215 H4 50 50 50 50 50 55 55 55 55 55 70 70 H5 309 371 439 541 641 631 763 763 763 916 1045 1237 B 293 348 348 454 454 548 548 658 818 818 971 971 ...

Страница 285: ...5 1500 0 19 0 33 0 42 0 80 kg s 1 min 3000 0 43 0 55 0 84 Motorleistung motor power 1000 0 25 0 25 0 37 puissance motouer 1500 0 18 0 37 0 37 0 55 kW 1 min 3000 0 25 0 55 0 55 H 426 478 548 611 H1 339 394 464 524 H2 44 41 41 44 H3 213 238 273 306 B1 335 378 430 510 B2 309 356 403 481 B3 213 224 224 258 B4 36 50 50 57 Tmax 380 424 424 490 Xmin 200 200 240 240 Betriebstemp working temp temp de trava...

Страница 286: ...82 0 Fax 49 0 5182 582 48 e mail info funke de Internet www funke de Technical changes reserved All rights with FUNKE WÄRMEAUSTAUSCHERAPPARATEBAU GmbH Reprinting and duplication only with written approval Ident Code OperatingInstructionOil Air Cooler 2004 10 GB BA FUN OLK 001 EN 10 08 12 12 ...

Страница 287: ...sert 7096 R 1 7038 Effective thread length Service and maintenance Oil thermostats from company Wahler do not need any service or inspection Error message If there is a failure signal in the oil cooling lubrication for example temperature it could be necessary to replace the oil thermostat A repair is not possible Oil Temperature Regulators max flow volume approx 4 m3 h max flow volume approx 10 m...
