Software control: Preferences dialog
– limited rights
User Manual
Revision A
Feb 2018
Post Processing
(None / Standard / Custom #)
Select an image post processing preset to be applied.
Microscope Operation
Interactive Databar
(On / Off)
Causes the image databar fields to be active (directly editable
when possible) / inactive.
Scan rotation sensitivity
(0.1 /0.01)
Choose the Scan rotation setting sensitivity.
E-Beam Working Distance databar precision
(0.1 millimeters / 0.1 micrometers)
It is possible to set the precision of the WD setting.
Lower stage when venting the chamber
(No / By 10 mm / Full down)
Specifies whether the stage should automatically lower when
venting the chamber. This is recommended, because it greatly
diminishes the chance of hitting the final lens when closing the
chamber doors after mounting a taller specimen.
Change magnification when pumping
(No / Set to 100× / Set to 200×)
Specifies whether the magnification for electron imaging
should be automatically set to a low value when the chamber is being pumped (presumably after replacing the
Switch off CCD automatically
(No / 1 minute / 10 minutes / 30 minutes / 1 hour / 2 hours / 6 hours)
Specifies if and when the CCD camera and infrared LED’s should be automatically switched off. The countdown
starts when resuming optical imaging and continues regardless of operator activity.
Pause beam displays when switching off HV
(Yes / No)
Specifies whether electron imaging should be automatically paused when switching the High Voltage off.
Allow Beam Shift in Get mode
(Yes / No)
Enables / disables automatic using of Beam Shift when a user requires very small point-to-point movements
(double-click on the sample point at high magnifications).
Blank E-beam during long stage moves
(Yes / No)
Specifies whether the electron beam should be automatically blanked during long software controlled stage
movements. This may protect extremely sensitive samples from exposure to the beam in undesired areas.
Delete image data when user logs off
(Yes / No)
If Yes, any live and/or paused imaging in all displays is deleted when user logs off.
Unpause CCD camera for large Z movement
Specifies if the optical camera should be automatically released during large Z-axis stage movements. This may
prevent a collision between the stage and final lens pole.
Reverse joystick movement
(Yes / No)
Normally the joystick movement direction corresponds to the stage movement, so the imaging moves in the
opposite direction. This setting changes the direction of the stage response to joystick movement.
Auto switch stage measurement system
(Yes / No)
Automatically switches the stage measurement systems off when not used to avoid light interference with 3rd
party equipment (EDS detectors, etc.).
Retracted detector will be replaced with a standard detector (Yes/No):
If Yes, retracted detector will be replaced with system standard one, if No, imaging will be replaced with the
system message “Detector retracted”.
Chamber illumination
(Yes / No)
If Yes and the in-chamber Nav-Cam is installed, inner chamber illumination is on when the chamber is vented.
Show sample exchange window on pump/vent
(Yes / No)
When starting to pump or vent the chamber, the Sample exchange window opens automatically.
Venting valve opening time
prolongs the venting time (default value is 180 s) to eliminate residual vacuum, which makes it impossible to
open the chamber door, or shortens the venting time.
Default display for Nav-Cam image
(Display 1 / Display 2 / Display 3 / Display 4 / Active)
This option sets the default Nav-Cam imaging display, which is automatically activated when taking the Nav-
Cam photo.