Building Technologies
Basic Documentation LMV5...
4 Burner control
4.1.6 Digital outputs
Safety-related outputs, type SI
These contacts are read back by the microcomputers via a contact feedback network
(CFN) and then monitored for correct positions.
Non-safety-related outputs, type No-SI
These outputs are not monitored by contact feedback network and, for this reason, can
only be used for non-safety-related actuating devices are actuating devices that are
secured in some other form (e.g. fans, oil pump / magnetic clutch, alarm). Alarm, type No-SI
(X3-01 pin 2)
A signal lamp or horn can be connected to this output.
The output is activated when the unit is in the lockout position (phase 00).
This output can also be used to signal start prevention
signaling start preventions
An active alarm output can be manually deactivated. Deactivation remains active until a
lockout reset or a system reset is made, or up to the next startup. Then, the alarm is
activated again. Deactivation only applies to the alarm output, lockout or start
prevention continue to be active.
Alarm act/deact (activated / deactivated) Fan, type No-SI
(X3- 01 pin 1)
This output is used for controlling a fan power contactor (200 VA). When changing to
the lockout position, the fan continues to run for an adjustable period of time.
continuous purging is activated, the fan runs in all phases. This mode
functions only when using an air pressure switch relieve valve which, in phase 21,
ensures that the fan pressure switch does not sense any pressure, thus facilitating
Parameter PostpurgeLockout
ContinuousPurge (activated / deactivated) Ignition, type SI
This output is used for connecting ignition transformers or electronic igniters.
When firing on gas, ignition is switched on just prior to first safety time in phase 38.
When firing on oil, there is choice of short preignition as with gas operation and long
preignition. In the case of long preignition, ignition is switched on when the fan starts to
run in phase 22.
Parameter PreIgnitionTGas
IgnOilPumpStart (on in Ph38 / on in Ph22)