Building Technologies
Basic Documentation LMV5...
7 Boiler controller / load controller
7.6 Setpoints (W)
Using the AZL5, 2 setpoints (W1 and W2) can be adjusted. It is not possible to adjust a
temperature controller setpoint to a level above the actual limit value of the integrated
temperature limiter
function. The setting range automatically corresponds to the
parameterized measuring range of the actual value. Changeover between W1 and W2
can be accomplished by means of an external (potential-free) contact connected to
input 3 (X62),
External predefinition of setpoint / load
. W1 is active as standard (contact
Parameter SetpointW1 (0..2000 °C / 0..100bar)
SetpointW2 (0..2000 °C / 0..100bar)
Input for an external predefined setpoint, suited for a predefined load or setpoint
changeover. The input is passive (not powered by the LMV5). Typically, an active PC
output is connected here (PC output requires galvanic separation for PELV).
With DC 0…10 V / 0…20 mA signals, the detection of short-circuits and line
interruptions is not possible.
Ext Inp X62 U/I: (4...20 mA / 2…10 V / 0…10 V / 0...20 mA)
Internal setpoint
Input 3: SET POINT