Building Technologies
Basic Documentation LMV5...
4 Burner control
22.05.2018 Start release - gas / CPI
(X7-03 pin 2)
The input X7-03 pin 2 (
) is used for connecting the start signal, e.g.
from the release contact of an external outside air damper. The input is only active
when firing on gas and in programs
until the end of second safety
time. The signal is anticipated in phase 21. Loss of the start signal causes the burner to
shut down. The input can be deactivated.
The input X7-03 pin 2 can alternatively be used as a valve closure contact POC / CPI
input. In that case, it offers the same functionality as the original CPI input. This is
needed on applications that demand valve proving and CPI. If a
Start release gas
signal is required, it must be delivered via input X9-03 pin 4 (
Pressure switch-min-gas
Configuration of the inputs (X7-03 pin 2):
Gas - start release
Valve closure contact for gas (CPI gas)
Valve closure contact for gas and oil (CPI gas+oil)
Valve closure contact for oil (CPI oil)
StartReleaseGas (deactivated / StartRelGas / CPI Gas / CPI Gas+Oil /
CPI Oil)
CPI Gas:
CPI (Closed Position Indicator)
Used for checking the gas valves fully closed position. For that purpose, the valve
closure contacts of the gas valves are to be connected in series and then to this input.
The input is active both with gas-fired and oil-fired operation.
Firing on gas:
In the phases 12 to 38 and in the phases 72 to 78, the input is checked for
closed) and in phases 54 and 60, the input is checked for
(valve open).
In Standby,
(valve open) results in start prevention with display message.
The display message can be output with a time delay (can be set with parameter
Firing on oil:
In the phases 12 to 38, 54, 60 and in the phases 72 to 78, the input is checked for
(valve closed). In Standby,
(valve open) results in start prevention with display
message. The display message can be output with a time delay (can be set with
Parameter PS-VP/CPI (CPI Gas)
CPI Gas+Oil:
Here, this input has been extended by the function of a CPI contact for oil valves.
The valve closure contacts of the gas and oil valves must be connected in series and
then to this input.
Firing on gas and oil:
In the phases 12 to 38 and in the phases 72 to 78, the input is checked for
closed) and in phases 54 and 60, the input is checked for
(valve open).
In Standby,
(valve open) results in start prevention with display message.
The display message can be output with a time delay (can be set with parameter
Parameter PS-VP/CPI (CPI Gas+Oil)