MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
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July 17
Screens & Steps
Figure 71:
Select Card Data Format
The administrator can use the Card Data Format to select the data that will be used
for user authentication. Following are the options available:
ID + Template: When the administrator selects this format, it implies that the
user authentication is done by verifying the User ID and biometric template (i.e.
fingerprint registered by user) Three biometric templates can be stored for a
user including two mandatory biometric templates (fingerprints) and one duress
Figure 72:
Enrollment Finger Index in Card
ID + BIOPIN: When the administrator selects this format, it implies that the user
authentication is done by verifying the User ID and BIOPIN (i.e. PIN that is used
in place of biometric data)