MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
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July 17
If set to “Trigger Event”, then user rules are retrieved based on user control
trigger source i.e. user rule retrieved from smartcard for smartcard triggered
user control operation and user rule retrieved from terminal database for other
trigger source.
If set to “Terminal”, then user rule is retrieved from terminal database for all
trigger source.
Note: If no user rules are specified for a given user because the field is missing on the
card or in the terminal database, then the controls specified for all users in the
terminal configuration will be applied.
Allow Bio-pin user rule: This parameter can be enabled to allow terminal to substitute
BIO check by a PIN check or BIOPIN check. For this substitution to work,
“ucc.per_user_rules” parameter shall also be enabled, which allows only users with
defined user rule (from DB or CARD) that allows BIO substitution. Possible values are
“Disabled”, “Use Bio-PIN” or “Use PIN”.
If set to “Disabled” then BIO check substitution is not allowed.
If set to “Use Bio-PIN” then BIO check is substituted by BIOPIN check. BIOPIN
data is only stored on smartcard. If substitution by BIOPIN is allowed and PIN
control is also enabled, then BIOPIN is requested separately from PIN.
If Set to “User PIN” then BIO check is substituted by PIN check. If substitution by
PIN is allowed and PIN control is also enabled, then only one PIN check is
Face authentication rule: This parameter defines face authentication check workflow
rule. Possible values are “Disabled”, “Photo taking”, “Face detection (optional)” and
“Face detection (mandatory)”. This applies only to MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series
terminal only. Please refer to the section “
” for understanding
the face detection workflow
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Refer to “Recommended Conditions for Face Detection” for knowing the correct position of the
user and required lighting conditions for face detection.