MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
OSDP Protocol Support
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July 17
The MorphoAccess® SIGMA Lite+ terminal has a dedicated, full-screen OSDP display, in addition
to its home display (as opposed to the MorphAccess® SIGMA terminal, for which the OSDP
display is integrated in the home display). The OSDP screen displays LED and the text as
requested by the CP through OSDP commands like osdp_LED and osdp_TEXT. User can return
to the home screen by clicking on the back button “
” on the OSDP screen. The OSDP screen
would be displayed again after 3 second.
Demonstration of osdp_LED command for MorphoAccess® Lite terminal
The following is the sequence of communication between the CP and PD to change the color of
LED on MorphoAccess® SIGMA Lite.
Command/Response Syntax with Example
CP -> PD (Start/Request
of a command)
Syntax: osdp_LED (Reader number, LED Number, Temp
Control Code, On time, Off time, On colour, Off colour,
Timer LSB/Timer MSB, Perm Control code, On time, Off
time, On colour, Off colour)
Example: osdp_LED (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 0, 2, 0)
Note: Timer value is applicable is only for Temporary LED
PD -> CP (Response to a
osdp_ACK in case of Success else osdp_NACK for failure
Example: osdp_ACK
osdp_BIOMATCH command
This command enables the MA5G terminal to perform biometric scan and match it against the
template provided in the command. The following are the parameters and its values to be
noted. CP can configure BIO_FORMAT parameter of BIOMATCH command as mentioned below.
Parameter name
0x0 – Enables the MA5G terminal to use the template format specified
by the terminal configuration parameter ‘auth_param.template_type’.
Please refer to
MorphoAccess® 5G Series – Parameters Guide
for the supported formats.
0x1 – Not supported. Terminal responds with osdp_NAK with error
code 0x09
0x2 –ANSI 2004 FMR