MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
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July 17
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Setting-up Matching Security Threshold
The performances of a biometric system are mainly characterized by two values:
False Reject Rate (FRR): number of wrongly rejected authorized users, divided by the
number of access requests,
False Acceptance Rate (FAR): number of wrongly admitted unauthorized users, divided
by the number of access requests.
The FAR value can be set according to the level of security decided by the administrator who
typically is at the customer’s end. However the value of these two characteristics is inversely
related: when one value is tuned in one direction the other value will change in the other
When user’s convenience is the most important factor, the FAR value must be set to a high value
(which reduces the FRR value), and conversely if security is more important, then the FAR must
be set to a low value (which increases the FRR).
Different tunings are proposed in the terminal depending on the security level targeted.
Parameter Configuration
The False Acceptance Rate is tuned by a parameter value, which means higher the parameter
value lower is the FAR value.
Parameter name
0 to 10
Using this parameter, an administrator can set
the threshold for matching the biometric data
provided by the user, with the corresponding
one in the database.