MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho. They must not
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July 17
//reverse the first 4-bytes and reverse the next 4-bytes.
//reverse the whole 8-byte after above manipulation
//generate decimal from the manipulated HEX
//reverse the first 4-bytes and reverse the next 4-bytes.
//reverse the whole 8-byte after above manipulation
//generate decimal from the manipulated HEX
HID card number: This indicates that the HID number read by the terminal from
the iClass card serves as the User ID.
NOTE: This option is only available in iClass product.
Reverse HID card number: This indicates that the HID number read by the
terminal from the iClass card is reversed to serve as the User ID.
NOTE: This option is available only in iClass product and can be set via PC
application or webserver.
Partial CSN
Configuration keys are available to use partial CSN in enroll and verify modes.
For each of mode there are start bit key and a length key (in bits) as below.
For Enrollment, sc.enroll_csn_start and sc.enroll_csn_length
For Verification, sc.verify_csn_start and sc.verify_csn_length
start bit key: range 0 to 79, default value 0
length key: range 0 to 80, default value 0. Value 0 will be associated to the use of the full
card CSN, whatever the start bit value.
These keys are only used when the keys “Enroll” or “Verify” are set to “ReverseCSN” or
To use these keys, user should know length of CSN of the cards he is using. If the start
bit is too high, compare to the length of the card CSN, the partial length will be equal to
CSN card: 0xE012FFFB012D89FF
CSN Decimal value: 16146249067598285311
CSN Binary value:
Truncated value, using interface we propose, with programmed start bit to 11 and
length to 53
CSN Binary value: 10010111111111111101100000001001011011000100111111111
ID Decimal value: 5348003102427647
These keys are only accessible from PC Application or Web Server.