MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
Terminal Configuration through Webserver
This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho. They must not
be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior authorization of Morpho
July 17
User Enrolment in Card
The administrator can encode a contactless smartcard for a user, using this functionality. The
user's data are saved only on the card, and not in the terminal database. It means, that the
authentication of the user is done by checking the user's data stored in the card. For example,
when user place finger on biometric sensor, the terminal will check the biometric provided by
the user with the biometric stored in the user’s card.
Access Path
Webserver > User Management > User Enrollment > Enrollment Mode > Card Only
If terminal is in Legacy L1 mode, then enrolment of users can be done only if the
biometric sensor is a MorphoSmart™ MSO terminal
The data of the users enrolled in MA5G mode cannot be exported in L1 systems
Screens & Steps
Figure 301:
Select Card Data Format
Card Data Format allows an administrator to select the data that will be used for user
authentication. Below options are available:
ID + Template: This format indicates that the user authentication is done by
verifying the User ID and biometric template (i.e. fingerprint registered by user)
Three biometric templates can be stored for a user including two mandatory
biometric templates (fingerprints) and one duress finger
ID + BIOPIN: This format indicates that the user authentication is done by
verifying the User ID and BIOPIN (i.e. PIN that is used in place of biometric data)
ID Only: This format indicates that the user authentication is done by verifying
the User ID
ID + PIN + Template: This format indicates that the user authentication is done
by verifying the User ID, PIN, and Biometric Template
ID + PIN + BIOPIN: This format indicates that the user authentication is done by
verifying the User ID, PIN, and BIOPIN