MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
Access Control by Authentication
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July 17
Once the authentication process is completed, the terminal automatically loops back and waits
for another user’s card presentation, irrespective of the outcome of the authentication process
PIN check disabled, Biometric check mandatory
When the administrator enables this mode, the terminal requires the user to place a finger on
the biometric sensor. It executes a comparison of the biometric data of the finger placed on the
sensor and the reference biometric data read on user’s card.
The process is identical to the one described in “Biometric check, biometric data on user's card”
PIN check disabled, Biometric check disabled
If the administrator enables this mode, the result of the authentication process is positive
(identity confirmed), if the user’s identifier is found on the user’s card.
The terminal doesn’t require the user to place a finger on the biometric sensor, and doesn’t
perform any biometric check.
The process executed in identical to the one described in “No biometric check, no User ID check”.
PIN check mandatory, Biometric check mandatory
If the administrator enables this mode, on User ID verification, the terminal requires user to
enter a PIN code. The PIN entered by user is matched with the PIN stored on Card.
On successful verification of PIN, the user asked to place a finger on the biometric sensor. Then
the biometric data of the finger placed on the sensor and the reference biometric data read on
user’s card are compared to see if a match exists or not.
The process is identical to the one described in “PIN verification - PIN stored on card” section.
PIN check mandatory, Biometric check disabled
If the administrator enables this mode, then on successful User ID verification, the terminal
requires user to enter a PIN code. The PIN entered by user is matched with the PIN stored on
The process is identical to the one described in “PIN verification - PIN stored on card” section.